Friday, April 3, 2015

High Hopes Episode 1: When It All First Started

Tiger: Hello and welcome to High Hopes, you wonderful audience back home. Tonight, the ten brand new contestants will enter the house, surprises after surprises, and end up on the chopping block more than ever in this wacky idea I call a reality show! Just be happy I didn't turn this into a murder show. *cough* Jet Set *cough*. Anyway, I'm Tiger by the way, and I bet you just want to see the contestants. Ready? 

Tiger: There they are! Such a bright and pleasantly quiet cast, am I right? Kidding, I have someone else to introduce first. The rightful winner of the fourth season of Turner's The Mole, and my personal friend, Caren Gaskins! Luckily her home country can't access our TV show. 

Caren: Hey, Tiger. Nice to see you again. It's strange to be talking to the simself of the person who created me. Oh god. 

Tiger: Well, this island can't be left alone for ever. Thanks to the generous sponsor, M. Vul Pecula the 13th, for allowing us to take over his island for this summer!
Caren: Yeah, would've been more exciting to be here for the Mole. I'd just like to apologize to Joss, you go girl!

Tiger: Anyway, here's the first house guest, a strong female suffering a broken heart well, give it up for Billie McGhee!

Tiger: Please take a seat.

Caren: Hello, Billie.
Billie: Oh hey! It's Tiger and the amazing Caren Gaskins! Hell yes.
Tiger: Offended, but moving on. The next contestant is....

Tiger: Emerson Vosal! Please take a seat.

Caren: Even I'm impressed. Hello Mr Vosal. 
Emerson: I'm taken, but flattered, but call me Emerson.
Tiger: The flirting can up!

Tiger: Moira Duval! My human version says he dislikes Moira's and Duval's. Okay then. Take a seat.

Caren: Hello, Moira.
Moira: Hey Dad! How do you like me now! Oops, sorry.

Tiger: We have three contestants, so who else will be arriving now? 
Caren: Me, I wish.

Tiger: Here he is....Brock N. Pileautte. I feel like there's a pun intended there. Please take a seat.

Caren: Hello Brock.
Brock: Woo! Let's get this party started! Where's the sharks, man!
Tiger: Calm down man, that HoH will come. 
*background music to Our Day Will Come plays*
Tiger: Anyway, let's see who's next!

Tiger: Matthew Booker! Take a seat. 

Caren: Hello Matt.
Matthew: Hey there, what's up? 
Tiger: You know, my human self told me they were celebrating something called 'April Fools'. Someone claimed they'd be making puppies.
Matthew: Okay...

Tiger: Well, here we have it. The first five contestants. Any favourites yet Caren?

Caren: You know, Tiger, not yet. I think it's time to let them inside.
Tiger: Okay, in you go! The first five may now enter... 

Billie: First one in. Yep.

Tiger: Bye bye. Have fun, but please don't drown. Or starve. Or loose your clothes. Just walk in. 

Tiger: I'm so proud of them. They can use gates. 

Billie: Yay! This house looks awesome!

Emerson: And you are?
Billie: OMG It's Emerson Vosal. I'm such a fan. 

Moira: Death. Blue death. Interesting concept.

Matthew: Hey. How's life, bro?
Brock: Great, man. Jumped over two hundred sharks last week. 
Matthew: Wow man. Sick.

Emerson: I'm in love with a stalker, but thanks for the notice. 
Billie: I don't want to date you silly. I just think you're like so totally talented. 

Matthew: So, I'm guessing you're a stunt man, huh? 
Brock: You're really good at this game!
Matthew: What? 

*Moira nods to Sandman*
Moira: Good to see you again.

Billie: So, you're stalker girlfriend, is she...pretty?
Emerson: Uh, yeah. Why?
Billie: No reason.

Matthew: wanna win?
Brock: Oh...uh...definitely. Why else come here, my man?

Moira: It's so tragic here. Maybe I should go and wake up those host, Christ. Nice fountain though.

Tiger: Oh shush, Moira. I'm awake. I'm gonna sit down now. 

Caren: So, who's up next? 
Tiger: Funny story, actually. We fired the rest. 
Caren: Oh. So I could join? I have Grape on speed dial too.
Tiger: As much as I like the sound of that......APRIL FOOLS.

Lacey: Uh. Hello? They told me to walk on. Am I interrupting something? 
Tiger: Oh. Hey Lacey. No, nothing important. Anyway, welcome to the show! Take a seat.

Caren: Hello Marcy, I mean Lacey. 
Lacey: Uh, hi.
Tiger: What the hell Caren? She doesn't even remotely look like Marcy! I'll bring her in for you so they can stand side by side! One's a diva and one's the girl next door! See the difference. 
*Lacey blinks, confused.*
Caren: Well I'm sorry Mr Crabby Pants! Bring the next one in. 

Tiger: Give a warm welcome to Sebastian Rogers! Take a seat.
Caren: Hey, cameraman. What are you doing? 

*cameraman moves closer to Sebastian's face*
Tony, the Camera Guy: He looked at me funny.
Em, the Camera Woman: I bet that's how your father looks at you. 
Tiger: Jesus, I didn't hire you two for drama. Film the scenes, okay? 
*the camera people stare into each other's eyes*

Caren: Anyway, while Tiger deals with those two, hello Sebastian.

Sebastian: Hello, fine woman. Lovely dress. 
Caren: Please, let this stop. Please, I don't want to marry some old guy. 
Tiger: Calm down, Caren. Bring on the next housemate!

Tiger: Let's meet.....Thalia Derse! Nice panda hat. Take a seat. 
Thalia: OMG! Wow, that's so generous Tiger. 
*She tries to lift the chair*
Tiger: *facepalm* That's enough of that. 

Caren: Hello Thalia. 
Thalia: Oh my heavens! Caren Gaskins, so kawii! Konichiwa. 
Caren: Don't know if you just called me scary or cute. 
Tiger: Who's next? 

Tiger: Please meet...Alice Lowe (?). Didn't know we were getting her in, thought her contract expired.

Alice: Oh my! Isn't this just a mystery? I walk one way, I end up the other way. I didn't mean to walk over here, I wanted to follow the bright glowing lights. 
Caren: Want to sit down now or nope? 

Alice: Wow, that blue really suits you Tiger. Maybe it's good I ended up this way. 
Tiger: Maybe we need heavier security. Where's the deck of cards when you need them? The final contestant please....

Tiger: Our final contestant, Alexander Pike! Take a seat. I think you're smart enough to understand. 
Thalia: Hey!
Tiger: Good evening Alexander.

Caren: Hello, Alexander.
Alexander: Hey, hosts with the most. Where the party at? Throw me the key to the HoH room. Yep, thanks.
Tiger: More like, there's no actual HoH room. 
All: What!?!?
Tiger: Do you want to sleep in the water? Didn't think so.

Caren: Should we let them in? 
Tiger: I think we might need a bigger boat. 

 Caren: I think we should just move aside. You're getting carried away.
Tiger: Then you don't know me enough. Carried away is my life. 
All: That was so many years ago! Get over it!

*the final five enter through the gates*

Alice: If you piss me off one more time-
Thalia: Kawii, kawii, kawii.
Alice: Ugh.

Alexander: This is gonna be fun...hehe...I mean let's get excited!

Tiger: I think they're gonna like it here. 
Caren: Damn right, they're gonna like it. 

Lacey: History is made in this place, focus S-Lacey. I'm Lacey, I can't forget that. 
Thalia: You're a knock off of Idol.
Lacey: What the hell? I pull some curtains down on you, Thalia. You're such a brat. 

Lacey: Woo! I'm Lace-alicious! That sounds pathetic, sorry.

Thalia: You sound pathetic. 
*Lacey walks away*
Alice: I need to have a word, Japanese Express. 

Lacey: Hey, I'm Lacey-Wait, you know who I am. Let's all go to hell in a fast cart.

Thalia: What's up, Rabbit? Fell down any holes recently, because I'm looking right at one. 
Sebastian: Ouch. 
Alice: Don't pick fights with me. I know a guy, Antoine.

Thalia: Those clothes are tacky. That hair is fake, and most of all, you're a remake. You didn't even transfer.
Alice: No, but I got something even better. 
*fires lasers from eyes*

Thalia: Hold up, they made you a witch? Cruel.
Tiger: My mistake. Accidentally fed her a witch serum with her breakfast. Continue your day. 

Alexander: Call my mother, tell her how much of a blast this is. There's even this cute raven outside, Diablo, I'd call him. 

Alexander: Hello, strangers. Is this that silly scene where I'm supposed to say how chill you rats are? There's not even mother's white baby grand here. Ugh. 

Sebastian: I'm here. This house reminds me of the time I was on the battlefield of Gallipoli. Hold on, that was just in a class of students. Ah the memories. 
Alice: I give up with you. I hope you enjoy eating slop on the hard concrete. All a low life peasant like you deserves, after all. 

Alice: Huh. That ceiling is moving. Am I falling? Nah, kidding. I was just rocking myself.

Sebastian: Don't wait for the slow old fella to sit down. Might be two hours or so. 
Emerson: I think we're all here. 
Matthew: Looks like it.

Lacey: Well, why don't we introduce ourselves? I'll start. 
Billie: Go ahead.
Lacey: Hiya, loves! My name is Lacey Hiatt,if you've never heard of me. *flirty wink towards the camera* I'm a model, and a pretty good one at that! You can see me as the cover girl for Sim Idol magazine at least every few months, so check that out! Next week, I'll be in the centerfold of Sims Fashion weekly as well. Now that I'm done with my self promotion *laughs* I'd like to say that I'm genuinely happy to be on this show. I'm sure you're all such wonderful people and this competition will be fun. But, just because I'm a famous model, doesn't mean you should take me lightly! Prepare yourselves!

Alice: Hello, I am Alice. Yes, the Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I hope I get to know you guys very well and we can have a bunch of tea parties together.

Sebastian: Hello friends. The name is Sebastian. I guess once you have lived your whole life you are just ready for some excitement. I was a History teacher for 40 years and I only retired a few years ago and all of a sudden I don't know what to do with myself. This seems like a lot of fun, I'm sure we are going to have a good old time together! Don't think I can't keep up with you young'uns though, I'm plenty tough.

Alexander: Hello there, skid marks of this earth! I am Alexander Pike. I'm sure its a pleasure for you to see me. Just so you peons know, I didn't even want to be here... It was just my parents trying to get me out and be more social, but its not like anyone here is worth being in the same room as me.

Emerson: Hey, bring the camera closer. Better. Hi everyone, my name is Emerson Vosal I am a new graduate and a famous actor... well, I've appeared on other shows and such so I guess that means I'm qualified to be a famous actor, right? Well either way I must be, I have stalkers! Who can say they have stalkers? Weirdly I'm actually dating one of my stalkers, she is amazing when she isn't being all creepy following me, I can feel that my other stalkers are jealous though which is quite... um, I don't really know how to explain it without being freaked out.

Billie:Hi I'm Billie... I'm here for the adventure and to heal a broken heart... And I'm sure I'm at the right place... Right?

Matthew: Hey guys! My name is Matthew, but you guys can call me Matt! I'm 26 and a Swimming Instructor from Isla Paradiso! Represent! I'm here to have fun, play some games, meet all you lovely people and hopefully come out with a prize or a nice girl.

Thalia: Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Thalia-desu~! I'm a student and I love anime, manga, and movies! If you don't like anime you're a baka! And don't call me a weeaboo or annoying! I am an otaku from birth to death! Uh... Anyways, I hope we all become nakama. That's good friend for all you gaijin!

Moira: Hi everyone! My name's Moira, and I'm really looking forward to getting started. I'd love to win the prize money, of course. Who here doesn't? But even if I don't win, being on this show is still going to get known. I'm an aspiring musician, you see. It would do me well to be famous, even if it is just a little famous.

Brock: Hello, I'm Brock. Stunt actor, did the tricky things in some movies."

*Brock turns to the camera/audience* If you need one, just Google me for my e-mail and phone number. *Brock turns back to the contestants* Anyway, so good to see you, I'm sure this game will be great!

Thalia: I wanna see the bedrooms! 
Tiger: CorrectionBedroom.
All: Seriously? Hooray. 
Tiger: Oh and did I mention there's only 8 beds too! 
*all moan*

Alexander: Pathetic. Really? These beds make me want to cry. 

Brock: I've slept on worse. I once slept in a human cannon. Sick time man when they shot the fake dummy.

Billie: I take this bed up top!

Emerson: I call this bed. No one better push me off like this one time at school when this girl pushed me off the top of the bleachers. Ouch. 

Alice: I might take this bed, but then maybe that bed. Maybe that bed though. Hmmm.

Matthew: Nice art work. Reminds me of the time I went water skiing in Lake Meryung. I'll take this bed, what lucky girl will end up beside me? 

Thalia: Hey! Wait up, I had to pee! Rude. 
*yells inaudible Japanese*

Thalia: You better not go anywhere near me fake! Get out of this room before I call the police. 

Alice: I am no fake. I have my own rights, Missy. You're such a pig.

Emerson: Girls, stop this. Or else you'll both be kicked out, ten times. 
Alice: Sorry Emerson.
*Alice lets out a sob.*

Billie: I could get used to this. Better than leaving for 3 months.
*there's some shuffling in the bedroom*
Billie: Huh?

Brock: Hey, boss man! Let me out, I need to pee. 

Tiger: Can't do that, sorry. Plus, what the hell's wrong with the toilets you have? They're the exact as in Lockdown. 
Brock: I don't want to pee around these people, they'll hear me. It stinks man.
Tiger: More like you stink man. Sorry that was rude.

Tiger: Sorry, but I have to leave. I'll see you all at tribal council though, so keep your thoughts till then. Caren? 

Caren: Where are we going? 
Tiger: A little town called HOH. 

Matthew: Hey, where's the old guy?

*from all the way over here*
Sebastian: Oh what? Hello camera man, They said what about me? 
Tony, the Camera Guy: Where's the old guy, they said.
Sebastian: There's a gold guy somewhere! Can I call him Mr Gold? 
Tony: *facepalm*

Moira: As much as I don't want to admit it, that Alexander has a nice butt. Damn. 
Lacey: Moira! That's nasty. 
Moira: It's true. You got eyes on anyone, Lace?

Lacey: Uh, Matthew's kinda cute. He has nice eyes, but I'm not here for romance. My own life comes first. 
Moira: Oh, that sucks, you two would look cute. 

Moira: I just wish Alexander would notice me. 

Alexander: I do more than notice you, goth girl. 

Moira: Hey dad, hope you're watching at home. I'm still having a hard time believing that I'm actually on TV right now! This is gonna be awesome! *whispers* And it's gonna be even better when all the show drama starts up! Hehe!

*the next day*
Tiger: What do you mean I can't get Jessica Lange in to co-host? You told me last week, 'she can be in by next week' and nothing. 

Tiger: God I wish I was as powerful as her in Season 3 right now! No, hold on. She can have Caren's spot. 
Caren: You said I was better than any celebrity. Ugh. 

Tiger: Please, let me speak to someone important. You people are so ignorant. I feel like Season 4 Lange in the first episode. Remember, 'Life on Mars' 

Tiger: Okay, fine. She's not coming on. She's retired. Okay, sorry for the way I acted. Bye.

Tiger: That was her agent. I guess the most famous person we have lined up is you Caren.  
Caren: I'm honored. 

Tiger: I need to organize things for the HoH. Watch the house guests, okay Caren? 
Caren: Yay! This is gonna be fun. 

Alexander: Hurry up caterpillar! You're so slow, did you ingest some mushrooms or something? 
Alice: They make you smaller, not slower. Read a book for once.

Billie: Peacefully waking up, such a beautiful morning. No, not beautiful mornings. Tony!
Tony, the Camera Guy: Yeah, what's up? 
Billie: What the hell? Did you follow me here? 
Tony: Billie! Baby, I'm so sorry. 
Billie: Get out of my face!

*Moira sneaks up towards Billie*
Moira: I'm gonna get her so good. 


Billie: What the hell? Moira! You're so much like a ghost. Scared me to pieces. Oh sorry. 

Lacey: That's so kind of you. Thanks Matthew. 

Matthew: You have so much personality, I love it. 

Lacey: I think I'm falling in love.

Caren: *vomits* Ew. That stinks, Have you even left this fence all night? 

Brock: Hell no! I forbid to use these putrid shower toilet hybrids. 

Lacey: Matthew is so attractive. I think I'm falling in love. Calm down, Stella. You're here for your twin. Not love, you know that. Lacey, you better not be relaxing over in Hawaii right now. I left my job for this! But Matthew, ugh. His eyes. Sis, do you approve? What am I talking about, of course you'd want him for yourself. Bye lovelies! Shit.

Matthew: May I join you Lacey? It's so cool there's a private pool here. 
Lacey: Sure, I don't mind. 

Matthew: Is there anyone at home you're fighting for? A husband, boyfriend? 
*Lacey laughs*
Lacey: No, I'm single. But I want this for my twin sister, Stella. She's so talented and she deserves some more money for what she's done. 
Matthew: What's she done for you? She sounds perfect.

Lacey: She's supported me through so many tough times. I love her to bits. 
Matthew: I wish I could meet her one day.
*Lacey smiles*

Sebastian: Hurry up, you young ones. You take the next five years, and you yell at us oldies. 

Moira: I know right. I'll let you in with a secret, old man. How about we form an alliance? They'll never expect it. The old man and the vampire. 
Sebastian: I'm in, let's kick these young'uns out of here.

Billie: I hate these camera people so much. They get so much in my grill I feel like they'll bite my teeth off one day. 

Brock: You know, you're right. The game is rigged. 
Billie: Yep, you're smart, like me. Alliance? We can take down the stuck up camera guy Tony first. He broke my heart. 

Brock: Ouch. That would hurt more than the time I fell through a portal after I got shot by my ex-fiance. 
Billie: Not really, but a portal huh? 

Thalia: You people suck. There's not even a TV in here for Movie Club. 
Alexander: No one said you had to be here. 
Moira: I'd actually prefer you left for once. 
Thalia: I feel like I'm turning into the Beau Smart of this show. Great. I'll leave.
*She leaves*
Sebastian: She even annoys me sometimes.

Lacey: I hope you like them, I found them in the diary room. Someone sent them for you. 
Matthew: I think it was your sister. You look stunning today, Lace.

Lacey: I'll stick with you in the challenge. I want to see your cute eyes next to me at the finale. 
Matthew: I want to see that hair more often. 

Matthew: Oh god, I wish I didn't fall in love so easily. We only just met and I just want to finish being here and just take her home to Isla Paradiso. That sounded weird, sorry. I hope she wins the HoH and saves me. I could really use another week with her. 

Caren: Hello, and welcome to the first ever HoH competition for High Hopes! In today's challenge, each housemate will be given 7 points, in which they need to split up into three different values for three different other housemates. 

Caren: Hello, I'm Caren Gaskins once more, and there's a twist the housemates should know about. They aren't playing this challenge-or this week- alone, instead they're partnering up! But, they'll only know who's with who after this HoH. So, can all the house guests report to the backyard for this HoH, called Popularity Nonsense! 

Caren: So, my neck hurts, so we're just gonna get this thing started. You all the know the rules, but you all don't know who exactly you need to be helping out to save yourself. Tricky, huh? So without further ado, the contestants, in no particular order!

Caren: Alexander Pike and Billie McGhee....

Caren: Lacey Hiatt and Brock N. Pileautte...

Caren: Matthew Booker and Alice Lowe...

Caren: Thalia Derse and Moira Duval....

Caren: And finally, Sebastian Rogers and Emerson Vosal!

(Please not the following mission is exact to what happened IRL. The order and votes were given by the real life players. Also note that not all votes are shown, for effect)

Caren: First up to vote is Emerson! 

Emerson: I'll give Alexander 4 points. You go man!
*he distributes the rest*
Caren: Thank you Emerson.

Caren: Next up is Alice!

Alice: 2 points to Lacey! Her hair is amazing.
*she distributes the remaining points*
Caren: Thanks, Alice.

Caren: Next up, Matthew!

Matthew: Here Brock. 3 points to the pot!
*he distributes the rest*
Caren: Thanks, Matt.

Caren: Fourth to vote, Alexander!

Alexander: 1 point to Matthew. I had one left, sorry. 
*he had previously distributed points*
Caren: Thank you, Alexander. 

Caren: Up next, Thalia. Ugh.
Thalia: Rude.

Thalia: Emerson's been the less rude to me. 3 points.
*she distributes the remaining points*
Caren: Thank you, Thalia. Please sit down.

Caren: Next to face the pot is Moira!
Moira: No Dad, I'm not smoking.

Moira: I'll give my last two points to Billie! You rock that short hair so well.
Caren: Thanks, Miss Duval.

Caren: The next to vote is Billie. Please make your choice. I'm a very busy woman, and I don't have all day.
Billie: Okay, but you're here the whole week. 

Billie: I'll give my first 3 points to Lacey. I totally went for the looks. I don't even know some of you.
*she gives away her remaining points*
Caren: Thank you, Billie.

Caren: Next up is Brock, only three more before the results! Eee!

Brock: Fine, I'll give one last point to Thalia. I feel sorry, okay? 
Caren: Uh, thanks Brock.

Caren: Second last, Lacey!
Lacey: Heya lovelies!

Lacey: 2 points to Emerson! Yay!
Caren: Thank you, Marcy, I mean Lacey. Again, really? 

Caren: And finally, Sebastian Rogers! 
Sebastian: Leave the old guy till last. Typical of you young ones. 
Caren: Actually, we've been waiting for you to wake up for the past hour. 

Sebastian: I'll give my final two points to Billie. This was all just random, sorry. 
Caren: Okay then, please take a seat. 

Caren: All of the HoHs are in, and I can say there is a winner by three points. but before I tell you who was and the overall winner, can we please reveal the pairs? Cameramen? 
Em, the Camera Woman: Hey! I'm a woman! 
Caren: Just roll the picture. 

Caren: As you can see, these are the pairings. If you can match the backs to the fronts, a big round of applause. But no cookie. I can tell you the winners were.....the Purple Team! Here is the full scores: 

1. Party =5
2. Skelda =5
3. Vul =10
4. Alleen =10
5. Jake =10
6. Smarties =13 
7. Cake =8
8. Haylo =2
9. Ninja = 4
10. Bean =4

                                                                 Blue: 10                                                                  
Green: 20
Purple: 23
Yellow: 10
Red: 8

Therefore, congrats to the Purple Team and well done Green Team for being so close. 

Caren: That means Emerson....

Caren: And Alice have saved themselves for this week! Congrats, everyone loves you! 

Caren: Sadly however, Thalia...

Caren: And Alexander are the Have-Nots for the week. Sadly, you only scored an eight. 

Caren: Which means for one of you, you have a very different choice to make. As the highest scoring of both your team and the competition, Emerson, you have to save one of your fellow contestants. Think long and hard, because this choice will impact the tribal council. As for you Alice, you will be taking whoever is saved's spot with their partner for the POP, which will be called.....Winner's Luck! Emerson? 

Emerson: Caren, I have chosen to save....


Who will he save, and what impact will the POP have on the contestants? Find out next time on High Hopes, a Big Brother Survivor Hybrid! 

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