Saturday, April 11, 2015

High Hopes Episode 2: Myself to Blame

Tiger: And we're back! Hey, Emerson, the camera's over here. 
Emerson: Oh sorry. Hey man. 

Emerson: I chose to save Lacey. She seems sweet, she means well and I thought she would be a good asset in the future. She's cute and all, but I'm dating my stalker. Now that's what I call talent. She saw my new house before I even bought it!

Emerson: Hey, Lacey, can we talk? 

Lacey: Yeah, what's up? This is about you saving me right, I meant to say thank you. 
Emerson: It was my pleasure saving you, but I wanted to talk about an alliance. 

Emerson: You and me could work together. I helped you out today, so you help me out next week. If you win the HoH, you promise to keep me off the council, and I'll do the same. 

Lacey: Deal. Keep me around and I'll be a great asset to your game, as you will be to mine. 

Emerson: Shush, Brock's coming! 

Lacey: OMG Thank you so much Emerson! I love your hair too, it has such a cute tone to it! 
Emerson: Oh...uh, thanks. 

Brock: Well done, Lacey. I'm so glad they saved you, but I wish it would've been me. Woo!
Lacey: Ugh, thanks I guess. 

Brock: Do you wanna maybe...grab some lunch sometime? 

Lacey: Uh, we're kinda on a reality show. There's really no place to go, but maybe we can meet up after I take home the cash prize?
Brock: Hell no! I mean, I'm winning this baby. 

*Billie quietly hums to herself*
Billie: I've been a bad, bad girl. I've been careless, with a delicate man. 

Moira: Hey, Billie. What song was that? Sorry if I interrupted. 
Billie: It's okay. It's Criminal by Fiona Apple. 
Moira: Are you okay? I mean, you look unhappy with being here. 

Billie: I'm fine, okay? It's nothing, please. 

Moira: No, you are not. Listen to me. Billie, whatever you're up against, there's no need to hide behind it. I'm here for you, 100%.
Billie: Moira, I mean it too. I'm fine.  

Moira: Okay, we won't talk about this anymore. Are you excited for the POP?
 Billie: I guess, I just want to be safe really. I'm nervous I could be gone first. 

Moira: Yeah, my team scored so low thanks to Matthew. I guess people didn't see him as much of a looker. Anyway, hopefully the POP will be more individual. 

Moira: More individual? Huh, I doubt it. There's a reason they haven't split us up yet, and it must have something to do with the POP.
Moira: Or the tribal council? They could vote off one team by the end of the week. 

Billie: Oh, I didn't think about that. Wow. Think of how much chaos would go down if two people left in the first week. 
Tiger: My human self said he did that once. Apparently, some guys named Brennan and Julian went. He was apparently torn over Julian's exit, but it would be obviously better than Nathaniel leaving.  
Moira: Okay then...


Alice: Gosh, I'm so upset at Thalia. She's acting like a spoiler brat calling me a so-called "fake". At this point, she's as bad as the Queen of Hearts and I would not be surprised if she wasn't the first boot in this show. Anyway, because me, Emerson, and Lacey being immune from the first vote. I ended throwing a tea party to celebrate that. I used that tea party to discuss strategy things with them.

*Alice whistles*
Alice: It's a very very unbirthday, to you, to me, yes you. 

Emerson: Uh, Alice, are you wearing a wig? And I put these clothes on for you. You carry these around? 
Alice: Oh em gee, Emerson! You look so cute! Please, take a seat, thus pull up a chair.

Emerson: Well done again, partner. We outdid ourselves. 
Alice: It's like that time I escaped the Queen of Hearts. She was so angry over her painted roses, I'm so glad I hid that tin of paint. 
Emerson: I don't think this is anything like that. 

Lacey: I hope I'm not late. I was getting dressed, this dress is amazing Alice. 
Alice: I knew you'd love it...I stole it.

Lacey: Yeah, maybe I should've not tried this on. I'm just gonna-
Emerson: Please, sit down.

Alice: Thank you for coming today, Hatter, Red Queen. 
Emerson: Do we just still call you Alice, or like Wonderland or something?

Alice: Much better. Anyway, I wanted to talk about the three of us. I know we're safe this week, but next week we need to stick together. 

Emerson: Hold on, did you just teleport between seats? 
Alice: How could I do that?
Emerson: Never mind. I've already talked to Lacey, she's in and so am I. 

Alice: Let me get this straight. If we stick together for the rest of the game, this is an honest to god final three. 
Emerson: Well, yeah. That's what should happen. 

Lacey: Personally, I think this is perfect. We need to evict Alexander first. 
Alice: Better yet, Thalia. 
Emerson: Deal. 

Lacey: I have to go, but I'll catch you both later. 
Alice: Don't be late. 

Emerson: Goodbye, Lacey. Thank god we're safe. 

Alice: I feel like we're not really. That host seems he has a trick up his hat. 
Lacey: What are you on about?
Alice: Nothing. 

Alice: The tea party was a smashing success! I'm glad I brought this wig in the house. Thanks a bunch BB! 
Tiger: You know I set that all up, right? 
Alice: Shut up! Painting the roses red, hmm. Painting the roses red. 


Brock: Tell me something, Matthew.
Matthew: Yeah, what is it?

Brock: What's up with you and Lacey? It seems special.

Matthew: She's a summer crush...

Lacey: The way he looks in my eyes, the way he smiles at me. It's more than a crush. 

Billie: Tell me more, tell me more! 

Lacey: He looks at me different. When we were walking to the HoH, he smiled and held my hand. 
Billie: I'm listening...

Lacey: Being with him in magical, it's different. He makes me forget who I am. 
Billie: I wish a man made me feel that way for once. 

Moira: I don't mean to interrupt your summer loving, but uh, what's her problem? 

Billie: Is she dead? 
Lacey: Did I bore her to death?
Moira: She's not dead...oh, do you guys know of the angel of death, Shachath. She's said to kiss the life and soul out of a body. I watched this episode of American Horror Story last week before we came in and she was threatening to kill Jude. It was intense. 
Billie: Not now, Moira.

Thalia: They care more if she's dead than me. Maybe I should lock myself up. 
Lacey: What's that? Oh, you're here. Sorry. 
Thalia: My point exactly. 

Brock: Woo! Man, this is great. Have you kissed her yet, man? 
Matthew: Not yet, but I have plans for dinner. 

Emerson: Hey! Matt, can I talk to you. It's about Lacey. 
Matthew: What man? You're not wanting to steal her, hey man?

Emerson: I'm taken. But, no, I wanted to tell you to take care with her. She may be opening up to you, but she's still like any other girl. 
Matthew: Make no mistake, she's fine. 

Lacey: He's mighty fine. 

Matthew: She's fine.


*Sebastian sneezes*
Sebastian: Oof. That reminds me of the time I sneezed in the middle of the Russian Revolution. No, my memory's playing up on me again. I was just teaching that and I sneezed on the flowers. 

Sebastian: Ahh! You scared me, dear girl. 

Thalia: Listen to me old man, you will secure immunity for me and my partner in crime, Alexander. Both of us will become the winners of this game and we will kick you to the curb this week because we all know you know nothing but the history of the wars and you will pay for what you've done.  

Sebastian: Well, I can't really guarantee your safety, and I have no clue what you're on about. 
Thalia: Look, old man, I want to be safe forever. You said your son was a wizard!

Sebastian: He works at Wizard, the computer software company!

Thalia: Oh well. He's still counted as a wizard, isn't he?
Sebastian: Sadly, no.
Thalia: No? No? NO!

Sebastian: I'm sorry, Thalia. I'm gonna grab a slice of fresh air. 

*Thalia sneaks up behind him*
Thalia: Boo! 

Sebastian: Scared me. Bless the god above us. 
Thalia: Scared your pants off yet, gramps?

Sebastian: Am I seeing things? 
Thalia: Don't forget to make me a wizard! Please. 

Sebastian: This is crazy. That dress though. 
Moira: What are you doing, Sebastian?


Tiger: Please don't kill me. You can stay here for another three weeks. 
Caren: Really? Thank you so much, Tiger. You won't regret it. 

Tiger: Oh, I was only joking. I called Marina Zamora this morning, she's an old friend of mine from college. She's getting here in time for the tribal council. 
Caren: Darn it. Well, at least I got the first week. I'll see you at the finale. 
Tiger: You're not evicted. 

Caren: I win! I win! I'd like to thank my Mole partner, Joss Hodge, and I'd also like to thank that pesky mole who got me executed. I will find out who you are and murder you. Oh, I'm not allowed to murder them? Can I fake their death like on Whodunnit? I'd love to see each and every one of them hit by a bus or two. Except Joss. You go girl! Sorry to hear Chanel got pregnant. 

Tiger: I lost? You spoiled that for me too! I'm joking, who do you think I am? 
Caren: You do an awful lot of joking. 

Tiger: About that...
Caren: What?

Tiger: Thank you for being the co-host for the week. The team and I would like to thank you. I know it's not the winning prize from the Mole, but-

Caren: Is this a lousy camera from the store in town? 

Caren: I refuse to be bribed into becoming your friend. I'm sorry, but I will not accept that gift.

Tiger: Actually, Tony bought it. He said it was top quality. I'm sorry, Caren. 
Caren: Tony's foolish. Can I fire him? 
Tony, the Camera Man: I'm standing right here, you asked me to film this scene. 
Tiger: Shut up, Tony. 

Caren: I'm sorry I acted poorly. I've expected too much moving to America. 
Tiger: Well, we're actually on an island off the coast of Australia. 
Caren: Oh, this is a real island? Just thought it was a very elaborate set. 


*Alexander hums to himself on the bed*
Alexander: I go back to black...

Emerson: What the hell! You're a Have-Not, you don't belong in here! 
Alexander: Did I hear something? Nah.

Alexander: You go back to her, and you go back to, you go back to-

Emerson: Are you even listening to me right now? I swear with some of you people, some thing just enter one ear and fly out the other. 

Thalia: You mentioned flying? Nyan, nyan, nyan bunny. 
Emerson: Not you too. Ugh. 


Alexander: Fine, man boy, I'm outta here anyway. 
Thalia: I wanna sleep as well. The sleeping bag seems comfier tonight. 

Alexander: Make no mistake, little boy, us rich kids know a thing or two about murderous clowns.

Emerson: You don't want to test me right now. GET OUT!

*Alexander continues humming as he exits the building.*


Lacey: Hehe, you're really hilarious. I like that in a guy. 
Matthew: I like that in a g-girl. 

Lacey: I'm not making you stutter am I, Matt? 
Matthew: Of course not, my lady. 

Matthew: You know we have that little garden now...
Lacey: Yeah, I dressed up as the Red Queen. 
Matthew: Oh. Anyway....

Matthew: I picked these for you, since you gave me some the other day. 
Lacey: They're...beautiful. 

Lacey: Thank you, Matt. 

Matthew: What the hell Lace?! I thought we weren't ready for this. I thought you wanted to just be friends. 
Lacey: Obviously, I was wrong to fall for you. I'm just gonna go inside and try and not fall into a heap over this. 

*Lacey runs inside, crying*

Lacey: I only have myself to blame. I shouldn't have expected a man to really love me, I'm not even my true self. This isn't me, and it's not something I expect anyone would fall for. No one's gonna want a girl who had to pretend to be her twin sister for a silly reality show. It doesn't matter what he says, I no longer want to fall in love if I can't really feel it at all. I can't help myself, can I? Lacey, I made a fool of your name. 

*Matthew's cries out a single tear*
Matthew: What did I do? 

*A loud crash can be heard in the distant*


Tiger: Jesus, what happened? 
Caren: Obviously, this island has terrible weather. And you have terrible insurance. Who's idea was it to have the host lounge outside? 

Tiger: It was the producers, they thought the nature would really captivate the show. 
Caren: Well the lightning really captivated onto my body. 
Tiger: We're building a new building for the POP, maybe we can move in there. 


*inaudible rumble in the dining room for dinner*

Matthew: Listen, Lacey, I'm sorry. 
Lacey: Save it for the tribal council when they vote you off. 
Matthew: Lacey-
Lacey: No.


Caren: Hello, contestants! Welcome to the POP! 
Everyone: Yay! Wahoo! Money!

Caren: This challenge is called Winner's Luck. For 7 rounds, you will have to go through a variety of choice rounds where choosing the dud option will cost you the competition. By the end, one pair will be saved and we will know exactly who will be facing the tribal council, to where Tiger will see you and send one of you off. So, who is competing today? 

Caren: Emerson will not compete, however Alice will. 

Caren: And Lacey will not either, however Alice will take her spot in the Blue Team. Everyone else is free to compete. So, first up, Brock! The options this round are baby animals!

Brock: I'll take the Fennec Fox. So cute. 

Moira: The baby goat. Adorable. 

Billie: That hippo though. 

Thalia: I guess I'll take the duck. IT'S SWIMMING.

Alexander: I'll take the rabbit. 

Alice: I guess I can have the orangutan. He stole the rabbits. 

Matthew: And I'm left with the otters then. 

 Alice: What the hell is this? A shrine. I knew I'd lose if I didn't get the rabbits.

 (note, I forgot to get a pic of Sebastian choosing his door. Manatee, btw.)

 Alice: Drat. I will get my revenge, Alexander.

Caren: Alice has been eliminated from the challenge.

Caren: Please file out here everyone else for the second round. For this round, it's fairly simple once more. You simply have to take a piece of fruit. Oh, hello Tiger. 

*randomly pops up*
Tiger: Oh, I'm here now. Okay, hello contestants. Take your pick. 

Caren: This fruit actually looks delicious. Look at how delicate that watermelon is. I have no clue what that weird red thing is with the white layers. Exotic, I suppose. Matthew, you're up!

Matthew: Lemon, please. 
Caren: Sour choice. Please. Take it. 
*he takes a bite*
Matthew: Sour, but okay. 

Billie: I love Granadilla! Yes please.
Tiger: Um, what? 
*production googles it*
Tiger: Oh, passion fruit. Take a bite. 
Billie: Delicious!

Thalia: Grapes! Kawii!
*takes grape*
Caren: So?
Thalia: Yummy!

Alexander: My mother cuts the watermelon different. Producers!
Caren: Jesus, calm down. Who are you? Dandy Mott!
Alexander: Who? 
Tiger: Just eat it!

Sebastian: Kiwi thank you, kind folk! 
Caren: How sweet. 
Sebastian: How tasty. Who's next? 

Caren: We're down to the final two. Brock, will it be you? 
Brock: Nope.

Brock: I'll take the pineapple. 
Tiger: My human self says you're trying to be a host pet. 
Brock: I didn't know Sara was here. 
Sara: Huh? Someone mentioned me! 
Caren: *facepalm*

Moira: That just leaves me then. Do I even need to eat the plum? 

Caren: Yes. No more questions. 
Moira: *takes a bite* Fine, that was okay. So, who's out?

*She collapses to the floor*
Moira: What have you done? NOOOO! I'm melting. 

Everyone else: NO! She's not dead, right? 
Caren: No, we just gave her a dose of something that reacts to make her feel like she was poisoned. All in the nature of fun. 
Everyone else: What the hell? 

Caren: Moving on, next round you will pick a coloured door and walk inside. If you're room has a fire pole, climb up it. If not, you're out. 

Caren: Who wants to go first? 

Tiger: The options are Red, Yellow, Green...

Caren: Light Blue, Dark Blue and Purple. 

Tiger: That's purple. 
Billie: To me it's pink. 
Tiger: We'll settle on Magenta then. 

Brock: Yellow then. 

Matthew: Definitely green.

Alexander: Blood red, thanks.
Caren: Very specific. Nice.

Sebastian: Light blue, please. 

Thalia: I guess I'm stuck with dark blue. Ew. 

Alexander: Fitting to have a spider in here. 
Tiger: Added it just for you.
Alexander: How did you know-
Tiger: I have my ways.

Matthew: What the hell is this? A forest? How can a fire pole be hidden behind there? 
Caren: It can't. 

Billie: This room has nice flowers. I like it, actually. 

Brock: You've got this, Brock. You're a stunt man.

Brock: Or not. One more try.

 Sebastian: You expect little old me to climb this thing? Maybe I should have ingested that bad fruit earlier.
Caren: You can do it, old man.
 Sebastian: Because that helps.

Billie: Focus on the task. Don't fall down.

Caren: We're just waiting on Billie. Where is she?

 Billie: Oof. I'll be there soon, I just had a minor hiccup.

 Billie: Finally. Let's get this game on the road again.

 Caren: Okay, thank you for joining us. This next round is between the five of you. You must choose between the five doors behind you, each appropriately coloured to the main colour of the villainous options; The Evil Queen, The Snow Queen, Rumple, Peter Pan and The Wicked Witch of the West.

Caren: The purple door for Regina....the light blue for Ingrid...

Caren: The brown for Mr Gold....the light green for Pan, and the dark green for Zelena. 
Tiger: Who, BTW, is back on Once soon! 

Sebastian: I'll take the Wicked Witch. 

Brock: Peter P.


Alexander: The Evil Queen. Best character, BTW. 
Tiger: Uh huh. 

Billie: I guess I'm left with Rumple. 

Caren: Please enter your doors. 

Alexander: What a lovely mirror? Darn it, I can't reach it. 

Thalia: Hello, frozen woman. You look hideous, just to be honest. 
Frozen Woman: Disrespectful! I wish you no happiness. 
Thalia: Em the camera woman! I know that was you. 

Brock: I can see myself sleeping in here. On the floor, of course. 

Sebastian: This room sure loves mirrors. 
Tiger: Are you-
Caren: Sure you-
All: Made the right choice?
Sebastian: Creepy. 

Billie: This room is so cramped. It's like a jail cell. Wait-
*she tries to unlock the door*

Billie: Damn it! I'm trapped in here. 

Billie: Oh well, at least I have this rock. 
Caren: You're trapped! Sorry, always wanted to do that.

Caren: Welcome, final four. See that door over there? The double one? Well, follow me for the next round. 

Tiger: Welcome back contestants. This round will be the characters of Jessica Lange. If you don't know who she is, have you been living under a rock?

Caren: Anyway, the choices are, just in case you aren't familiar....

Caren: Constance Langdon, Season 1, Murder House

Tiger: Sister Jude Martin, Season 2, Asylum. 

Caren: Fiona Goode, Season 3, Coven. 

Tiger: And Elsa Mars, Season 4, Freak Show. 
Caren: Okay, Alexander is up first. 

Alexander: Elsa Mars. 

Caren: Hello? Thalia.
Thalia: Oh, uh Sister Jude. 

Brock: Constance, right? 
Tiger: Uh huh. 

Sebastian: I'm left with Fiona Goode then, huh. 

Brock: This seems reasonably happy. I guess I'm safe. 

Thalia: Well this is pleasant. Just a random table and all that junk.

Sebastian: This head is rather old, like myself. That portrait looks too familiar, like it belonged to the outside of this room...or the outside of the second room, to my left.

Alexander: So glad I chose this room. Such a beautiful design. Makes me feel like I'm on a real stage. Mother would be so proud.

Caren: Can you all please report downstairs via the side door. The final two rounds are waiting down here, so if your door is unlocked, please follow the others.

Caren: Welcome, Sebastian. 

Caren: Welcome, Alexander.

Caren: Welcome, Brock. This is the final three then. 

Thalia: Hey! Let me out! I don't like it in here!

Thalia: Hey! Something's got a hold of me and it won't let go! 

*she crashes onto the table*
Tiger: She's okay, we just released hallucination gas. 

Caren: Hello, and welcome to Round 6! Brock, Sebastian, Alexander, one of you will win the POP for you and your partner. 
Brock: Woo! 
Alexander: Calm down. You won't win. 
Sebastian: Neither off you youngsters will win. Age tramples youth. 

Caren: Okay, this round is the three most recent Taylor Swift music videos, Shake it Off, Blank Space and Style. One room will not have a second door. Brock, please take your pick. 

Brock: The one with the forest, Style.

Sebastian: The grey one, Shake it Off. It matches my age.

Alexander: I guess I'm left with the middle room. 

Caren: Please exit if you can. The final two of this POP are.....

Caren: Hello Brock. Hello Alexander. Sadly, Sebastian chose wrong. 
Sebastian: Hey! What is this trickery! They forgot to install a door in this place. 

Caren: Anyway, this is the final round. You will have to answer one of the massive questions this game is asking you. Big Brother or Survivor? Alexander will go first, then Brock will take the left over. 

Caren: So, who will win? Alexander? 

Alexander: Hell yeah I'll win! This is definitely deja vu. I chose Big Brother, since this a POP competition. 

Brock: I'll take Survivor for the reason that it's the only one left. 

Caren: Please pull your slip of paper out of the correctly labeled box. Alexander, pull from the Big Brother box. Brock, pull from the Survivor box. Please reveal your piece and if you are the winner. 
*they hold up their pieces*

Brock: Woo! I knew I could do it!
Caren: We will call Billie in now, for the choice. 

Alexander: FOOLS! I should have won, not you! I'm outta here. 
Caren: You can't physically leave-

Caren: Anyway, the two of you are safe, but Billie, I will ask that you complete a special task in order to keep your immunity. To earn it, if that makes sense. 

Billie: Anything. I'll do it. 
Caren: Okay. You must choose between keeping your immunity or giving it away. However, if you choose to keep it, you must revoke someone else's, aka one of the two from the winning HoH powers. If you choose to do this, Alexander will be saved in their place.
Billie: I choose to keep my immunity. 
Tiger: AND? 
Billie: And remove Emerson's immunity. 

Caren: There you have it folks, the five up for tribal council this week are as follows: Matthew, Thalia, Sebastian, Moira and Emerson. Have a nice day and I will see you all at the after show! That's it for me now. Tiger?
Tiger: Oh, uh, have a nice week and I will see all of you again at the tribal! Expect some drama. Goodnight. 

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