Sunday, April 12, 2015

High Hopes Episode 3: Barrel of a Gun

Tiger: Hello, and welcome to the very first tribal council! I'm your host, Tiger, and we're now somehow in the lovely Sunlit Tides. I'm sitting at Tribal Square, waiting for the sun to set for the five contestants to face sudden doom. Plus, later after one says their goodbyes, the after party hosted by the radiating Caren Gaskins will commence. All this today, on High Hopes! 

Tiger: This here is the setting for the tribals while we're here in Sunlit Tides. Previously know as the Hideaway, this lush space will be the new home to the final sudden death match for the contestants. Right here you can see the Tower. 

Tiger: Flight after flight of stairs, the contestants will walk up here and vote for who they wish. Then, it's back down the stairs to....

Tiger: The Tribal Council. Here the contestants will file in and I'll ask them questions. 

Tiger: Plus, there's a cozy fire pit for the evening cold. But, for right now, let's see if Caren is ready to show off the brand new After Show lot! Caren? 

Caren: Hello, Tiger. I'm here now, and let me say this place is crazy. 

Caren: A beautiful waterfall in the corner, nice plants here and there. Beautiful colour scheme. 

Caren: There I can track the week's progress. Check who's still in and who isn't. 

Caren: I can sit here by the windows and chat to the newest evictee. Truly neat decorations here, so indoor greenhouse like. 

Caren: The next door cafe for the after show hunger. I thought those Once posters were a strange but unique touch for a cafe beside a room for after parties. 

Caren: And of course, somewhere to get your food and drinks. Get it, 'saviour' for the place to get your saviour. Nice, but it's getting a bit dark outside, Tiger. It's time for the Tribal Council! 

Tiger: Why yes it is! The five unsafe house mates will forward in now and take their places. 

Tiger: Moira Duval...

Tiger: Emerson Vosal...

Tiger: Thalia Derse, Matthew Booker and Sebastian Rogers...

Tiger: Just lighting the fire. Thanks to our sponsor, my human self, for the beauty of motherlode. And something called 'testingcheats'.

Tiger: tribal! Please sit down and take a seat. 
Thalia: Oh thanks...oh no. 
Tiger: Not again. Hold on. Cerise? 

*Cerise Malachite walks by*
Cerise: Hello. No one's gonna take my soul away. 
Tiger: Isn't it so great to see you. Sadly, I'm in the middle of a tribal council. 

Tiger: My human self keeps telling me to find you, but you found me. Apparently he spent the whole day looking over town. 
Cerise: Uh huh. I wanted to take a walk. 

Tiger: How's life been know?
Cerise: You know. Horrible. I miss him, but I guess I can live. I met someone knew, Mars Wittrock.
Tiger: Great. Well, I hope to see you again soon. 
*she disappears*

Tiger: Anyway, welcome to your first ever tribal council for High Hopes! Whether you walk in here with clear knowledge of who you want gone or not, this is a place where secrecy is key. 

Tiger: We're gonna jump straight into voting, before you will answer some questions. I know it's around the other usually, but my human self forgot, much like a lot of things. The others were supposed to be here to cheer you and yell at Matthew. 
Matthew: Hey!
Tiger: Oh, you're here. Moira, please vote. 

Moira: I want to evict _______ because I feel like he poses some stiff competition in the future.

Matthew: I VOTE TO EVICT______ BECAUSE he's a strong competitor. It's as simple as that!

Sebastian: I VOTE TO EVICT _______ BECAUSE he seems well-liked and could be a huge threat to win later in the game.

Thalia: I vote to evict _____ because he hasn't been doing too well in this game, even if it's the first week...


Tiger: All the votes are in...wait, what's he doing here?"
Stranger: The goth brat is staring at me.

Moira: I can do more than stare at you dearie. 
*flashes teeth*
Stranger: I'm leaving now. She wants to kill me. 

Tiger: Okay, let's get to the questions. Emerson, are you okay with being first? 
Emerson: Hit me. 
*Thalia slaps Emerson*
Emerson: What the hell!
Thalia: Sorry.

Tiger: What was your reaction to Billie revoking your immunity? 
Emerson: I'm a little annoyed, but that is the game at the end of the day. If I was in her position, I would have done the same. Don't think that I'll forget about it though Billie! Haha.

Tiger: How is your relationship with Alice and what's the meaning behind calling her a 'fake?' 
Thalia: Well, I will admit at first I did think she was a fake, I mean, how could she be the real Alice?? But I dunno, after getting to know her she's gotten better and I think we could be nakama!

Tiger: You are the oldest contestant here. Are there any struggles you think you'll face? 
Sebastian: Well of course I have had some difficulty connecting with some if these young folks, but I feel like things are fine for me at this point. To be honest with you, there are bigger challenge threats than me because of my age, and the way this game is set up it makes it make sense to vote out the challenge threats when you can so that you aren't vulnerable for future Tribal Councils. My age is an obstacle that I think I'll be able to overcome.

Tiger: You scored poorly on both the HoH and the POP. How does this make you feel about leaving tonight? 
Matthew: I feel like I'm just getting bad cards. My time will come I'm sure! As for leaving tonight... I'm sure some people are more likely to go over me. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Tiger: You seem to be either really close to your father or begging him to accept you. What's the relationship like at home?
Moira: Eh, my dad's just really protective of me is all. I still love him to bits, and I can't really fault him. He has his reasons, but I wont get into that. It's a long story. I just wish he'd learn to lay off a little sometimes.

Tiger: Well, thank you all for your participation, but tonight we do have to say goodbye to one of you. You've all been lovely so far, but the votes are as follows....

1 vote Emerson

1 vote Matthew

1 vote Matthew

1 vote Emerson

And the final vote today, and the contestant voted out is.....

Tiger: Emerson Vosal. Please bring me your torch. 
Thalia: *le gasp*
Matthew: So close, I thought I was gone. 
Tiger: Emerson, it's time to head over to the after show. Any last goodbyes?
Emerson: It was nice to stay here, but I guess my luck ran out. I won't forget this, Billie.


Caren: Welcome, the first voted off house guest, Emerson Vosal!
Marina: Woo! 

Emerson: Hello, Caren. Marina? 
Marina: You got it. 

Caren: Please take a seat. It's a pleasure to talk to you again, Mr Vosal. 
Emerson: The pleasure is mine, Miss Gaskins. 
Caren: Okay, so we all just witnessed the dramatic eviction. Who do you think didn't vote for you?

Emerson: Well, Matthew definitely did. I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian or Moira did too. So, I'm guessing Thalia?

Liam: I think you're right. The name's Liam Zamora, Marina's older brother. Thanks for inviting us in, Caren. 
Caren: Thank you for coming. 

Caren: So, Emerson, tell us about what went on this week behind closed doors. Any close friendships or possible romances? 

Emerson: Well, I'm not single, but Alice and Lacey were really close to my heart. We had a deal to make it far, but I guess not anymore. I'm rooting for them for now. 

Marcy: I think that most times when there's a final three or two deal it will get broken. You can't predict the game and you can't predict others. I think as long as you have some people close by, you'll be at least somewhat okay. 
Liam: For example, I had an alliance with my girlfriend here Marcy, Nathaniel and Jasper, but Jasper and I both left due to a double eviction. I know that only proves that alliances don't always work, but I wanted to let you know it's not your fault. 

Marina: I don't have any skill whatsoever in these sort of competitions, but from what I've seen and what my brother's told me, it's never easy. 
Caren: Well, I invited someone here tonight for Emerson. Come on out, Hayden Ellis! 

(Ps. I created the stalker girlfriend for Emerson. I hope you don't mind)

Hayden: OMG Emerson! I've missed you so much, I was watching all this time. 

Emerson: I've missed you too, Hayden. You look beautiful tonight. I love that dress on you, did they let you keep it. 
Hayden: I wish.

*they kiss, while everyone else groans*

Emerson: Thank you for coming out tonight. I don't think I could've survived without you. 
Hayden: I love you, Emerson. 

Caren: Please take a seat, both of you, we still have plenty of questions. The party is later.
Hayden:  This place is stunning. Thank you, Caren. 
Caren: Oh, don't thank me, thank Tiger. He is the host, after all. 

Marina: What-Lacey Hayden? 
Caren: Marina, please sit down. 

Hayden: I have no idea what you're talking about. My name is Hayden Ellis, not Lacey Hayden. 
Marina: Oh sure it is. Where's Tiger when you need him? 

Caren: Moving on. Emerson, you became the highest scorer in the HoH, yet you still ended up being the first one out the door. If you could do anything different, what would it be? 

Emerson: That's tough, since the HoH wasn't based on my involvement. I think I'd want to have tried to talk to Billie first. I mean, it's part of the game and all, but I just wish I wasn't her target. I'm not meaning to sound rude, but I would've preferred if she just lost that immunity. There's was no threat on her part. 

Caren: Well, I'm sad to say that you will have to miss out on any opportunity in the future. You did not make the jury, and I'm afraid you will have to say goodbye to the house until the finale. 

Emerson: That's probably what I'm most shocked about, but they got one of the bigger threats out. I still think Matthew is hiding away his talent, and I could see Lacey or even Moira becoming big threats in the future, but we shall see. 

Liam: I hope your future is a tad better. I remember when you were on that Mastermind show, but it got cancelled early. Bad luck must run with the stalkers. 

*Suddenly, the lights flicker out*

Marina: We're all gonna die! Help! 
Caren: Calm down, let me check in with Tiger. 

Marcy: I'm sure they just closed the next door cafe and turned off our lights. Hey look, there's the cafe lady! 
Liam: Well this got eventful. 

Emerson: Best after party ever! Free black out and got to be with Hayden. 

Marina: I bet this was her workings. She probably has some firing squad waiting a couple blocks down the road and she's ready to kill us all. I'm on to you, Lacey Hayden

Hayden: I have no clue who you are, please leave me any my boyfriend alone. 
Marina: Like the time you told me to not speak a word to your boyfriend. How'd that turn out, sweetie? He went gay! 
Hayden: You don't know me!

Marcy: Calm down, girls. The power will be back up in the morning. 
All: Ugh. 

Liam: I was promised pizza. This camera man is useless. 
Caren: Oh, that's Tony. No one likes him anymore. Feel free to yell at him like this: TONY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THAT KIND GENTLEMAN!
Tony, the Camera Guy: Hey! That's not very nice. 
Caren: Neither is sticking your business in Liam's face. Where's Em? 
Loretta, the Producer: She went on sick leave. 
Caren: Makes sense. 

*the lights flicker back on*
All: Hooray! But wait-

Tiger: I finally bought this place. The previous owner refused to sell the land but I'm now the owner. He didn't die or anything like that, don't blame me for anything. However, we do have to wait till morning. 

*Technical Difficulties*

Caren: Welcome back to the after show! Uh, camera guy? 
Tony: I'm not speaking or looking at you. 

*Loretta yells at Tony*

Caren: Thank you. We are now joined by Tiger, and I think now we can finally celebrate...I mean, say goodbye, to Emerson. 
Tiger: Good save. 

Marcy: Hold on, I have one question. Caren, you know me. Why do you keep confusing that Lacey girl with me? 
Caren: What? Me? No. 

Lacey: Someone mentioned me. 
Tiger: Oh! Here you go Caren let's see how much they look like each other! 

Caren: I'm fine. Just a few minor stuff ups, that's all. 
Marina: I really like your hair, can I have it? 
Lacey: Uh, no. 

Tiger: Let's get this party started! 
Caren: Let's do this! Thanks for this week, Tiger! 
*I Lived by OneRepublic plays*
Tiger: Love this song!

(Note, this is just the wall of Photos. I had some of the guests take their pictures and I will continue to build up this gallery. )

Lacey: Hmm, hmm, hmm. Here's your food, Lana. 
(Lana was the first name that popped up. I dedicate this fish to Lana Winters, from AHS: Asylum)

Matthew: Listen, Lace. I'm sorry. 
Lacey: Matt, I'm sorry too. Sorry for thinking it would work between us.

Matthew: Lacey, please. I nearly got evicted tonight. 
Lacey: I wish you did. Emerson didn't deserve to go. 
Matthew: Baby-

Lacey: Go. I just want to be alone. 

Marina: They make such an adorable couple. I can't wait till I'm an aunt. 
Caren: I wish I could've been an aunt. I have a sister and a brother back home, but I can't go back without feeling hate and anger. 
Marina: I'm sure you'll be able to see them one day. 

Liam: I love you, Marce.
Marcy: I love you too. 

Matthew: Why can't we be like them? In love. 
Lacey: You blew that chance. Stop trying to mend my heart, you're just making it worse. 

Tiger: Marina! You made it! I haven't seen you in ages. 

(If you were wondering, I have my simself and Marina in my PA challenge. They're both drama majors, and really close friends)

Marina: I'm glad to see you too. I missed hanging out in the drama room. 
Tiger: Me too. I'm just happy you're here now. I'm excited for you to co host. 

Marina: About that. I don'r have to swim through shark infested waters do I? 
Tiger: Who do you think I am? Of course. 
Marina: What? 
Tiger: Sarcasm. I think you're forgetting who I am already. 

Tiger: Have fun today, okay? Go and dance, or take a few pics. Talk to some people, just get out there. I know the real Marina and I haven't seen her in so long. 
Marina: Okay, I will. 

Caren: Woo! Dancing! 
Lacey: Yep. 

Marina: They're so cute together. 

Emerson: Nice photos. Not as amazing as mine with Hayden, but who can beat that, huh? 
Tiger: I can. Look at those photos with Marina though. 

Billie: I'm here y'all! Don't know how, but I just am. 
Matthew: I think you're cute, Billie.
Billie: Okay then.

Tiger: See? This is fun. 
Marina: Yeah, it is. But do you know what would be even more fun? Faking my death. Can you make it happen? 
Tiger: Perfect. That was my next question. 

Lacey: Brock, this isn't going anywhere further. I'm just upset.
Brock: And I'm not into you either. 
Lacey: Okay. 

Marcy: You make me so happy Liam. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 
Liam: I'm glad you said that because....

Marcy: What-
Liam: Hold on.

Liam: Marcy Adamson, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife? Will you marry me? I've loved you since the moment I saw you, and I will love you until my last. 

Liam: Marce, I can't see the future without you. You are the brightest light in my life and you make me smile whenever you're around. I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do. 
Marcy: I love this Liam. I don't care if we get married right here, right now. I just want to be with you forever. 

Liam: I love you.
Marcy: Me too. I love you too. 

Liam: Marina! Just the person I wanted to see. 
Marina: Hey, big brother. What's up? 

Liam: Well, Marcy and I made a big decision. We're engaged. 

Marina: Holy- Liam, I'm so happy for you both. I will hereby be at your side entirely. Can I be your best man? 
Liam: Funny, but Marcy wants you to be her Maid of Honor. 

Caren: I'm outta here. Camera, get away from me! I need to sleep. 
Tony: Caren! Wait up! 
Caren: Nope. 

Lacey: I was just wondering...
Tiger: Nope, I can't auto evict Matthew.
Lacey: I was gonna say sight see, but that wouldn't be too bad either. 
Tiger: No to both. This is a reality show, not a travelling circus. 

Matthew: Who the hell died and made me the janitor? Tiger?
Tiger: Uh huh. That was Emerson. 
Matthew: Oh wow. 

Thalia: Of course I'm the last to arrive as the party ends. God damn sim god. 
Matthew: I hate him too. He made me the janitor. 
Thalia: That's no so bad. 

Marina: This was actually quite eventful. My brother got engaged, the power went out and I got to spend it all with you. 
Tiger: Haha, I'm sure I'm not that exciting. Plus, can I get an early invitation to that wedding of his? 
Marina: Don't be silly, you're one of the best men. 

Tiger: It was nice to see you again. I've missed all those days in college where we'd act around and play the piano. So many fond memories. 
Marina: Yeah, but I have something to do while I'm here. 
Tiger: Beside co-host? 

Marina: Yeah. 
Tiger: What is it?
Marina: You'll see. 

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