Wednesday, April 29, 2015

High Hopes Episode 4: F Major

Tiger: Welcome back all, except Emerson, sorry. This week, we'll see things new and different, and once again, we'll say goodbye to another. But who will it be? That lies in the hands of the contestants, only now down to nine. 
Marina: Nine! 
Tiger: Okay, let's save German for Freak Show. Please welcome Marina back for the co-hosting job for the week! Just a note to everyone, the co-host for each week can be one of my close friends or another. Let's get right into things. 

Alexander: Okay, ideas for the week. I'm going with evicting Alice, we all saw how she was is the HoH comp. 
Thalia: Plus, she's restricted from competing in the HoH this week. 

Billie: Yeah, but then also look at Sebastian. He may be old, but he's strategic. You said he said he was better than everyone else, right? 
Thalia: He said he was in no way lacking of skills. 

Matthew: Come on, everybody, can't we see the real threat?
Billie: Who? Lacey? 
Matthew: Brock. He scored high in the HOH and won the POP. 

Thalia: Good thinking, but I'm sticking with either Alice or Sebastian, to be honest. 
Alexander: Uh...

*Alice climbs up the pole and hears them talking*
Alice: Oh! What a query I seem to be? 

Alice: Hey! Guys! Can I talk with you all? 
Alexander: Shit, shit, shit. 
Matthew: Shush. Lock the door. 

*Billie locks the door*
Billie: No-one's-
Matthew: Shut up.

Alice: Hey! I know your're in there. Let me in guys, this isn't nice. Uh, hello? Anyone. 
Alexander: Hey! Alice, come downstairs!
Thalia: Nice one. 
*Alice walks away*

Matthew: Phew. That was close, maybe we should talk about this later. 
Thalia: Yeah. 
Alexander: I agree, let's go have some dessert. 

*Alice hums to herself, staring at the cowplant*
Alice: What a divine slice of cake. Too bad I jammed that door back there. None for them. 

*Billie tries to open the door*
Billie: Guys, the door's stuck. 
Alexander: You're a girl, you don't push hard enough. 
Billie: I'll give you 'push hard enough'

*Billie tries harder to open the door*
Thalia: It's jammed. 
Matthew: Thanks for that. 
Billie: Calm down, I'll just get the spare key from the camera man. 
Tony, the Camera Man: Who said they gave me any keys to this building? 
All: Ugh. 

Matthew: Hey, let me try. 
Billie: Oh, cause if I can't do it, a guy must be able to. 
Matthew: I didn't mean it like that. 

Alice: I'm gonna go to bed soon. I'm getting kinda bored with this room. Not enough mushrooms. 
Alexander: Alice! Help! Call the ambulance! The firefighters! 
*she hums to herself* 
Alice: Was that Brock? Hmm. 

*She slides down the pole*

Alexander: Well this is just great. 
Thalia: Why doesn't the host just save us? 
Tiger: That''s me? Oh, I was just about to sleep, so I couldn't be bothered. 
Thalia: Caren? Marina? 
Caren and Marina: Sleeping! 

Matthew: The mind of these people. Guess we're stuck here for the night. 


Alice: Okay. I'm not a huge on video games as I never really played them when I was young. However, one day, I spot two playing some "Mario" game and I heard somebody state "Grab the Mushroom." I immediately ran over there and I asked "What mushroom?" They then point to the screen and I saw a Red thingy in which grew the player. I always heard of Mario but I never play those games so I didn't how they incorrectly used those mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms can make you grow larger but that looks like a "mushroom". Whoever created these "Mario" games, I need to talk to that person.

Moira: I'll kick you're butt on this map! This one time, I kicked my cousin's butt with Dry Bowser. Boo! Take that, Toad! Take that Luigi! 

Brock: One more turn, got it! 1st place baby! 
Moira: Boo! Not fair. 
Brock: Ugh, you got me again! 

Moira: Drat, I missed the mushroom. Hey, grab the mushroom, loser! Ugh. 

Alice: Mushroom, did someone say mushroom? Where? Mmm, yummy. 
Moira: Oh, not you're mushroom. This one makes you speed up. 
Alice: That's a waste of a mushroom. 

Brock: Not for the final lap. Woo! Take that, Moira! 
Moira: Oh no you don't! First place, come here. Aha, that's a hole, Daisy! 
Brock: Hey, I liked her! 

Alice: So, let me get this straight. You can use a mushroom to speed up and grow? 

Moira: Correct, new race loser! So glad I won that last one. 
Alice: So is this fun with the mushrooms-
Brock: You only won because I helped out Wario. And when I say helped, I mean fell off. Wait, did you say something Alice? 
Alice: Is this fun-

Moira: OOOH, Dolphin Shoals! Bring it on! Oh, you know, it's fun.
Brock: I'm taking you down on this one! What Moira said, it depends on the person. Watch me this time, Moira, you're going to lose as much as Daisy! Yeah, try it. 
Moira: I love it. Hey! That's rude! 

Moira: Wait-when did we get this TV? 

Brock: Don't worry about it. Moira, that was a cheat move. Phew, Mario's in front of me. Any more questions, Alice? 
Moira: Hey! Get back here right now you beetle-headed flax wench! Peach! 

Alice: I'm fine, I'll be off now. Night night. 
Brock: Night. You little artless wreck, go back to your hell hole, Lakitu! I don't want to be in last place, fool. 
Alice: Bye. 


Lacey: *hums to herself* I swear I'll make it worth it, babe. 'Cause I don't want to be without ya. 

*she falls into bed*
Lacey: So, one last time! 

Sebastian: What nonsense are you singing? Can't those young ones ever stop sitting on their high horse. 
Lacey: Oh, hey Sebastian. Didn't know you were coming in here. 
Sebastian: Didn't know you were so into those poppy songs. 

Lacey: I, am, you know, an international success. You should buy my new magazine. 
Sebastian: You young children always buy those eye-megs or whatever. 
Lacey: E-mags? 

Sebastian: Yeah, that or whatever. I'm tired. 
Lacey: Me too. Night. 
Sebastian: Anastasia! Huh, what? 
Lacey: What? 
Sebastian: Nothing. 

*Sebastian twirls*
Lacey: Huh? Magic, in this world? 
Sebastian: Goodnight. 

Lacey: Goodnight, Anastasia.
Sebastian: *snores*
Lacey: Okay. 

Alexander: I'm getting out of here, pronto. 
Thalia: Sit down, we're trapped. Ever after. 
Matthew: Shut up Thalia.
Billie: Both of you. Shush. 


Marina: 8 contestants, all alike in dignity. In fair Sunlit Tides, where we lay our scene. From ancient rules break to new dangerous twists, where barely civil blood makes barely civil hands unclean. 

Marina: From forth the fatal limbs of these eight foes...A single winner will take the prize...

Marina: Which, but the losers end, nought could remove, is now the small amount of traffic of our stage.
*rustling in the back*
Tiger: Romeo and Juliet, huh? 
Marina: Okay, I'll get on with my job. Anyway, today's challenge is Majority Rules...the world...

Marina: Agree with the majority, and you'll earn a green light. 

Marina: Agree with the minority, and you'll earn yourself a red light. Those pesky red lights. 

Marina: But, for some questions, there will be a blue light. This means you're in between. Neither agreeing with the majority or the minority. Had a couple of those in college. 

Marina: The yellow light is for the HOH. The sole winner will receive the winning light and can save one other. 

Marina: The winner will compete in this week's POP, however, the saved will not. 

Marina: Let the challenge begin, now!!!!!!
*Everyone enters*
Lacey: Woo! Never got to see this place!
Brock: Hello, winning square. 
Alexander: Screw you!
Marina: Nice to know everyone slept well. 
Matthew: Don't even start. 

Marina: By now, you should know who's who in the zoo and you don't need audio commentary over their faces. Just if you don't, call them Number 1, Number 2, so on. That's what I do everyday. 

Alice: Take that fools, I'm safe! 
Marina: Uh, not really. You just can't compete being the overlapping HoH. Do you not watch Big Brother? Who, BTW, banned us from mentioning is a part of our show. So, this show is now a House-Island mix. Hope you like it. 
Alice: Oh. 

Marina: Hello, contestants, welcome to the second HOH! I'm so excited, Tiger's simself says this is the furthermost he's made it with his own reality show! Aren't you all proud? 
All: Not really, we don't know him. 
Marina: Rude. 

Marina: Anyway, the rules are-Caren? 
Caren: Oh hello, I didn't notice you there. 
Marina: Notice me! Goddammit. 

Caren: Have fun with this job. I thought I'd get sun cancer last week. Turns out we were on a real island. 
Marina: Yeah, same here. Luckily, both of mine this week are indoors. 

Marina: Can I start yet?
*someone's phone blares*
Marina: Who was that? I will slit your throat, right Tiger? 
Tiger: Right. 

Lacey: Sorry, it's mine. Must be my twin sister, L-Stella. 
Billie: L-Stella, nice name. I kinda like it. 
Thalia: Lacey and L-Stella! 
Lacey: Nice save, Lace.

Marina: Can I begin now? This is taking almost all morning to set up! Hold on, Alexander. 
Alexander: What? 

Billie: What's he doing behind there? 
Marina: Oh just, you know, evil smirking and planning your death. 
Billie: Oh. Tony used to do that. 
Tony: Did not! And I've moved on, anyway. 

*the lighting plays up, the room turning red*

Red Devil: Mwhahahahha. 
Marina: What is this, Scream Queens? Didn't think so. Tiger? 
Tiger: I can't wait for that show. 

Marina: I know right- JUST FIX THE LIGHTING!
Tiger: Okay, okay! 

*the lighting fixes*
Marina: Okay, no more interruptions. First question: Who is the smartest player in the game? 
Note: Not all questions are shown. There were thirteen. All answers however were given to me by the real life players. 
Lacey, Alexander or Moira? 

Marina: Okay, Moira, Billie and Brock agreeing with the majority, Moira. Matthew, Alexander and Thalia in the middle with Alexander and sadly, Lacey chose the minority, herself. You may see it as a tie, but I randomized one vote to break it. 

Marina: Next question: Who is the strongest player in the game? Matthew or Brock? 

Marina: Everyone but Matthew voting for Brock. Sorry, Matt. No point. Sebastian, wake up! Answer something next time. 
Sebastian: Huh? 

Marina: Anyway, next question: Who is more likely to kiss for fame? Moira or Emerson? 

Marina: And the results are....all but Alexander agreeing on Emerson. Any reason for choosing Moira? 
Alexander: She seems like that girl, ya know. 
Marina: No, I don't know. Sorry, I've only known you all for literally three seconds. 
Moira: Hell to the no! I know for a fact I have more sense than that, white trash. 
Marina: Oh snap. 

*Marina model poses*
Matthew: Damn girl. 
Marina: Oh shut up. Next question! Who is more likely to graduate university? Emerson or Sebastian?

Marina: And with only two reds, most agree Sebastian would complete university with no drop out. Hey, Alice, what's wrong? 

*Alice stands up*
Alice: Emerson was my friend, and he did graduate. Don't judge a book by it's cover, you guys. 
Marina: No one was. Sebastian did too, and he is more wiser. 

Alexander: I was. Your boy Emerson probably got a degree in sleeping around. Ha! That sneaky little brat locked us in that room last night, and she didn't get the boot. 

Marina: You know what, Alexander, you'll be getting the boot in a minute. We don't tolerate you kind of people. I wish you'd just leave, seriously. 

Marina: Anyway, before I faint, can we continue? 
All: Yes please. 
Marina: Okay, next question. Who would Caren take on a first date? Matthew, Billie or Tony? 

Marina: Lacey and Thalia both say Tony, while everyone else is plain right stupid and also sexist and goes with Matthew. God you people are so boring, no offence. 
Tiger: Marina, are you okay? Do you want to rest? 
Marina: I'm fine. 

*Caren appears at the hall*
Caren: You are all pathetic. Matthew is ugly and I'm surprise he didn't win an Ugly contest yet. I said it. I would hate a first date with him because it would be forced, like my engagement. 

Matthew: Well, you're really attractive too. Thanks. I'll pick you up at seven? 
Caren: Nope. This isn't the Bachelorette. 
Matthew: It could be. *winks*

Marina: Well, this is awkward. Oh god, I feel sick. 
*she pukes*
Tiger: You sure as hell aren't fine. 
Marina: Is hell even sure? 

Caren: I'd rather date Billie than you, Matt. 
Matthew: Oh how cute, you gave me a nickname. 
Lacey: I will throw my shoe at you, Matthew, and you know how high my heels are! 
Marina: Anyway, one last question: Who will be evicted this week at the tribal council? 

Marina: Well, this is tragic. All of you minus Lacey, Thalia and Sebastian (ugh) voted for Matthew! Isn't that charming going into the week. BTW, Lacey and Thalia voted for Thalia. Thalia sure doesn't have confidence, but neither does Matthew. 
Thalia: I was being honest, god. 

Marina: Anyway, the results are being calculated....And there's a tie. Can you please answer the statement provided to you anyway, because Tiger's human self was lacking sleep...Thanks...

Marina: And we have a winner....

It's not Sebastian or Thalia....

It's not Lacey or Alexander...

Marina: And the new HoH with nothing more than safety for the week unless Tiger chooses to throw a twist at them, on 12 points and guessing 90 days, which is far off 0, is.......

Marina: Billie! Not Matthew. 
Small note, Alleen is the true winner on 12 points! Congrats! I thought she tied with Haylo, and Haylo was closer to 0, so I filmed scenes where Matthew won, but I was wrong. Bravo, me. 

Billie: What, I won?! OMG, in your face Tony! 
Tony: What? 
Marina: Anyway, who do you wish to save? 
Billie: I'll save Brock, because he's cute. 
Please note these two pics were taken after I muddled up the scores, so mind the fact she's alone. I couldn't be bothered to place them all in there just for one photo. 

Brock: Safe again! Thanks Billie, you repaid me for saving your ass Week 1!
Billie: Team B for the win! 

Marina: That wraps up the HOH challenge, thank for being here...and now I need to lie down, bye. 
Tiger: I'm calling the in-house medic. You look pale. 
Marina: I'm fine, please. I think I'll call my brother, check in with him. 
Tiger: Okay, let me know. 

*Marina leaves*
All: Bye!

Caren: What are all you looking at? Never seen a natural woman before? 
Tiger: Caren, check on something else, please. 
Caren: *mutters* I can manage myself, cranky pants. 
Tiger: You do know I can hear you. 
Caren: Good. 


Billie: I won the HOH! It feels so great to be safe again, but then again, with what happened to Emerson, am I actually safe? I'm glad I could save Brock, and I'm actually super pumped to be competing in the POP! This has become a dream come true so far. 
Tiger: Don't worry, Billie, you're safe for the week. You and Brock so far.
Billie: Phew...wait, what's the twist this week?
Tiger: Well, you see...nope, you'll have to wait. 


Alice: Hmm, hmm, not saved yet, hmmm....
???: Young lass, how about a cuppa tea? 
Alice: What? Who was that and what is this? 
???: Debra! Hold ma fins, Debra! No, Debra, you don't see dead people, Debra, look at you.
Alice: Uh, I'm scared. 
???: You don't want me to swing my neck at you. 
Alice: Okay, Alice, you're insane. It's nothing. 

Brock: Thank you back there, I'm glad the two of us escape again, but now we're threats I guess. 
Billie: Oh god, yeah. 

Billie: Hopefully we can manage to save ourselves, at least we have one vote to save if we both end up scared. 
Brock: Yeah, and I'm sure we can prove to be a more helpful team later down the track. 
*Moira exits the door*

Moira: I really wish I was saved. 
Brock: Hey Moira! 
Moira: What? 
Billie: Can we talk? 


Em, the Camerawoman: I'm back yo! Tony, where are you?
*a loud crash comes from upstairs*

Em: Tony, are you up here? The tech crew said you'd gone missing for a while. 
Tony: Mmmmnhmn. 

Em: Please don't tell me this is some weird kidnapping plot. I'm not ready for this shit. 
Tony: Oh, baby. 
Em: I guess not. 

*Em gasps, almost dropping the camera*
Em: Oh god, what the hell!

*Caren and Tony are kissing*
Em: Oh this is foul. I think I might be sick. 

Tony: Oh shit. Hey, Em. 
Caren: I found Tony, he was hurt and I helped him up. 
Em: Oh, that's what they call that now. Tony, you cheated on me! 

Tony: I did not! We broke up two years ago, Emma! 
Em: You came over my place last week and we...had fun...
Tony: Last week? Last week! You asked me to come over and then jumped on me. 

Caren: I'm just gonna check up on Marina. 
Tony: Stay, baby. 
Em: Yeah, stay with this wretched monster until he cheats on you with some 40 year old tramp! 
Caren: Ugh! I'm 34! You're the tramp! 
Em: Don't make me put this camera down! 

*some time later*
Em: Can you just edit this part out? 
Vernice, one of the producers: Okay su-
Tiger: Keep it in. Sorry, it makes for a good show. 
Marina: Great show.


Alexander: What do you want? 

Lacey: Okay, we only really just know each other, but as much as I hate Matthew, you two would look cute together. 

Alexander: What are you on about? I don't like Matt. He's a friend. Pfft. 
Lacey: That's what you want to believe, but I know love when I see it. Go for him. 

Alexander: Look at him right now. He wouldn't be into a guy like me, or a guy in general. 
Lacey: I know this is rude, but he definitely is no ladies' man. 

Matthew: I will kick your butt at this! 
Moira: Uh, hell no. I always win. 
Thalia: Rude. I was playing Mario. 

Alexander: I see your point. 
Lacey: I'm always right, you'll see. Go get him. 
Alexander: Uh, are you kidding me? Hell no. 

Lacey: Think about it, it'll be a way to make me seem happier. To know our small fling was nothing because he bats for the other team. 
Alexander: There's the problem, he doesn't. And I don't either. 
*he pouts*

Lacey: Alexander, just give it a try. I see how you act around him and it's different from how you act around someone like Billie, for example. 
Alexander: You're right, I'm lying to myself. 

Lacey: See? It's not too bad. 
*there's a crash against the front door*
Brock: *puffing* Where's the bin? 

Billie: Uh, you mind waving day old ice-cream in my face? I know we're friends and all, but friends aren't meant to wave their foul food in each other's faces. 

Brock: Sorry, gotta get to the bin ASAP! 
Billie: Thank god. 

Lacey: Anyway, where were we? 
Alexander: Jewelry. 
Lacey: Oh right...wait, don't screw me over like that again. 

Alexander: You don't know me enough then, darling. 
*Lacey chuckles*
Lacey: You think I'll forget the topic that easy? 

Alexander: I was hoping as much. 

Lacey: Hold it right there. You need to just be yourself and walk up to him. I'm like Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream, I make dreams happen. 
Alexander: Please just don't switch me to fall in love with Billie. I'm going for. 

Billie: Ew, romance. Yuck. 

Sebastian: Ahh, young love. 
Lacey: Shush, Sebastian. 
*goes quiet*

Alexander: Bye Lacey.
Lacey: I'm watching you. 
Alexander: Bye, Lacey. 

Alexander: Hey Matt, Moira, Thalia. 

Matthew: Hey man, take a seat. 
Moira: You won't beat me, Matt! I'm unstoppable, oh hey Alex.

Thalia: Hey Alex the Man! We're having Video Game Club! There's a massive puddle behind us! 

Alexander: Oh god. Why is that just sitting there? 
Thalia: A puddle can't sit, dummy! 

Alexander: So, what are you playing? 
Moira: Football Massacre. Football with a zombie twist ending. 
Alexander: Huh, cool. 

Alexander: Hey, Matt, can I ask you something? 

Matthew: Anything you want, just ask. 
Alexander: Oh, uh-
*there's a loud scream in the distance*


*really fake acting, which I think would be easy for me since, you know, I can act*
All: What was that? Ahhh. 

*Marina's body lies on the ground*
Tiger: Oh my! What have you done? 
*Thinks about quoting OUAT*

Alice: Oh my! Marina! 

*Everyone gathers outside*
Sebastian: What's this all about? 
Matthew: Who died and interrupted my game? 

Lacey: Someone is dead, Matthew. Marina is dead. 
Brock: Jesus, is this real? 

Tiger: I'm afraid so, she does not have a pulse. I'm afraid we had to enter the POP this way, and it's terrible to continue like this. 
All: How could you? She's dead!
Tiger: I promise there's an ambulance on its way. Thank god we're not still over on the island. 


Moira: Keep calm and all of the bad trauma will be over. Moira, you can make it through. 

Thalia: Is this some hella cool Anime shiz? I love it! 
Moira: You are sick, you know that. 

Alexander: You interrupted my perfectly fine announcement! Ugh. 
Matthew: Yeah, what did you want to say? 
Alexander: Nothing anymore. 

Caren: This is terrible. I better call Jordan Valle. 
Tiger: Already have her on speed dial. 
*from the distance*
Jordan: I thought you'd never ask. 


Next time, when the mystery of Marina's death haunts the High Hopes house, the remaining house guests have to piece together just what happened with the lovely help of Jordan Valle, and when a surprise twist comes into play, one will be left scared for the rest of the weeks to come.