Saturday, October 17, 2015

High Hopes Episode 12: Boys Girls Boys

Thalia: It's getting close to the wire. I can't believe I made it this far! Hi mom, dad! Hi Dinah! It's been a swell opportunity, even if it's been like only a couple weeks. God, where has the time gone? I feel like I was still sitting in my room, waiting for the new release of the kawii anime, and now here I am! hehe! I hope I can win this, or at least win something...

Tiger: Welcome back, to High Hopes Season 1. Today, we say goodbye to the final two before the actual final! Who will go? Who will stay? Will I be hired for season 2? All these questions-
Grape: Will be answered tonight! 
Tiger: I guess someone's excited. 


Thalia: Thank you for meeting me. 
Lacey: What are you talking about? 
Thalia: I asked you to come here, remember?
Lacey: Right, because some force other than my own is controlling me.

Thalia: Don't be foolish, Lace. 
Lacey: Don't you think it's strange that we ended up in this room? 
Thalia: No, I choose here. It reminds me of my grandmother's.

Lacey: Who controls how we do in competitions? In eliminations?
Thalia: do? You control everything.
Lacey: Don't repeat the next installment's tagline. 
Thalia: It's actually 'You Rule', but that's not the point. 
Lacey: What is?

Thalia: I wanted to ask you for a favour...since oldie couldn't make me a wizard. 
Lacey: Oldie? Oh, Sebastian. Yeah, his son is. Wait, what happened to the camera? 
Thalia: They tilted it. It's looking down on us.

Lacey: As long as it doesn't look up from the floor. 
Thalia: Right...
Lacey: Anyway, what do you want?

Thalia: That's not a nice way to talk to your friends, Stella.
Lacey: Wait? Oh right, I told you. 
Thalia: Yeah, remember. Don't start becoming your twin. 
Lacey: Remind me to call her again.

Thalia: Can we talk- Hey, my face is not a TV. Nice joke though. 
Lacey: How immature. What's up?
Thalia: The roof. Hehe. I had to.

Lacey: Is this about...
Thalia: I'm not a lesbian.
Lacey: Where the hell did that come from?

Thalia: Sorry, I'm a bit conscious about my...past. 
Lacey: I don't know what's up, but I have an idea for getting you...the man.
Thalia: You don't know about the roof? I guess all that reading- sorry, continue.

Lacey: Are you finished blabbering? 
Thalia: Yes. No. Yes. Wait, maybe?
Lacey: I call it Operation Fireman-Rainbow House. 

Thalia: May I guess what that entails? 
Lacey: Sure, go ahead. 
Thalia: Here goes. Correct me if I'm wrong. 


 Thalia: So, you start crying, because I've had some sort of...accident, right?
Lacey: Yeah, right.
 Thalia: There I am, lying on the cold hard ground, may I say, ouch. I must have hit myself on the fruit bowl or something. Remember that challenge? Moira got poisoned. 
Lacey: I remember. I sat it out.

 Thalia: Then Senpai walks in, all buff and proud. He walks to me, and smiles, reaching down-

 Lacey: And you're crying like some baby because you're pretending to be Lacey as well as pretending to be sad. Has anyone told you, you can really act? Seriously, audition for a TV show or something? Well, I guess you already did. 
Lacey: I didn't. That was all Lacey. Stella had no part in the audition.

 Thalia: I'm not finished. So, I'm like "Help me! I'm fragile", and here he comes. 
Lacey: *laughs* Did you try to imitate Billie just then? 
Thalia: "Maybe." 
Lacey: You did it again, sweetie.

 Thalia: Anyway, enough about that, he'll reach down. He'll smile, and he'll-
Lacey: He'll what?
Thalia: Seriously, woman, I'm guessing your plan. Let me speak.

 Thalia: He'll pick me up, like those firemen do, and I'll stare into his eyes. 
Lacey: Oh! Did I ever tell you what Billie once told me about him?
Thalia: Is it important right now? 
Lacey: I assume so.

 Thalia: It can wait, because then we'll kiss. That's only Round 2. Round 3-
Lacey: Won't happen unless I tell you what Billie told me. 
Thalia: Is he allergic to seafood, maybe nuts? Is it eggs, I promise we'll have salad.

 Thalia: After that, for Round 3, I'll take him to a salad date. It's in between coffee and dinner, so not minor but not too filling. Round 4-
Lacey: I don't know what he's allergic to! For all I know, he could be allergic to you! 
Thalia: What an odd thing to say. 


 Thalia: So, was I correct? 
Lacey: on.
Thalia: Truly? *squee*

 Lacey: As I was saying-
Thalia: You think the perfume I'm wearing, he's allergic to that? 
Lacey: Like I would know. I meant that-
Thalia: Oh! My shampoo has lime in it! It's that, isn't it?

 Lacey: Yeah, sure. Don't go crying to me though. 
Thalia: I don't have to wash my hair tonight. 
Lacey: Let's do this then, shall we? Maybe he's different. 
Thalia: What do you mean? 


 Lacey: *crying* Struck from a great height, from someone who should have known better.
Thalia: The dog days aren't over. Calm down.

 Thalia: Ah, my back. My back. Here he comes. 
Lacey: *scream cries*
Thalia: I've never wanted you to calm down so much before. 
*someone pushes open the door*

 Latarsha: This needs to stop. Lacey, you sound beached. Thalia, you don't even look hurt. You're foot is fine, and this room is being demolished in a couple weeks. Fun fact: I have three children. They need me at home, I'll be leaving after tomorrow. Maybe. 
Thalia: Help me up- Oh, it's you.

Lacey: I think I've seen your children with you on TV once. 
Latarsha: One of them is green, yes. Rare skin condition. 
Thalia: I feel so violated.


 Brock: So, today is apparently the day. I could be going home. I could be saying goodbye to everyone here, for maybe like two days. It sucks, but I'll live today up. They called us to the after show lot, so dear god, I hope we don't have to vote right now. I hope not. Thalia's been clinging to me recently, but even if I wanted to date- I don't- I wouldn't date someone in here. Maybe I could woo Lacey's twin? Stella, what a banging name!

 Tiger: Welcome everyone! The sun is shining, and I can't do poetry, so I won't try.  
Matthew: First line this episode! 
Tiger: Please no.

 Tiger: I called you here for a special gift. More so for my loving fans out there, but you could possibly be happy with this. 
Brock: Those damn co-hosts are getting more air time again. 
Tiger: Why would you say that?

 Tiger: However, I have two questions to ask? One, who do you think will be crowned the winner? 
Sebastian: I have high hopes for Thalia.
Thalia: Thank you. hehe. You mentioned the show's name. I think Brockie could win. 
Brock: Oh, maybe Lacey or Matt?

 Tiger: Thank you. Now, what about who will be leaving us tonight? Sebastian, Brock or Matt? 
Matthew: Obviously Sebastian.
Lacey: Definitely not my Matthew. It kills me, but I could see Brock. 
Thalia: NO ME GUSTA! Not Brock, definitely Matthew. 
Tiger: Why are you speaking Spanish? I thought you preferred Japanese? 
Thalia: I like that phrase.

 Tiger: Anyway, here they are now! 
Matthew: What, that woman running past? 
Tiger: *looks back* Oh, definitely not. No me gusta.
Thalia: Just-
Tiger: Anyway! Here is the first guest. 

 Sebastian: First guest. Great. 
Brock: That means more than one. 
Tiger: Be grateful I'm postponing your elimination until tonight.

 Tiger: Welcome back....Caren Gaskins! 

 Caren: So glad to be back. Not like I was busy. 
Lacey: None of us ever are. 
Tiger: Be more enthusiastic! Who's next?

 Matthew: Oh no. Not her. Wait-

 Marina: Who missed me? I'm back, I guess you'd gotten used to Jess. 
Brock: Huh? She's-
Marina: I was never Jess. I'm an actor, it's my job. I have an audition tomorrow for the next Planet Battles. 
Tiger: Wouldn't want to be flagged. 

 Lacey: That girl is a star. *takes hand of popcorn from 'bag'*
Matthew: That's my lap. 
Lacey: Oh. Whoops. Not on live television.

 Matthew: You lied to me, to us!
Marina: Uh, not necessarily. I didn't lie. 
 Matthew: That's a lie, that's a lie. 
Marina: I just wanted feeling that well.

 Matthew: Marina, please. Stop excusing yourself. You've been lying, you've been betraying, and you're getting more stuck up all the time.

 Marina: You're lying, you're lying, I've never been so selfless. You just think you're better than everyone because you're dating Lacey. You ain't nothing but common.

 Matthew: Now listen to me, Miss Actor of the World, see I've put up with you for much too long. I have put up with your acting, I've put with faking, and all your screaming too.

 Tiger: When are you two going to stop all this fighting? 
Marina: Stay out of this Tiger, this is between Matthew and I.
Matthew: I'm tired, Marina.

 Matthew: Cool it. 
Marina: This time I haven't gone too far. You've gone too far. 
Lacey: Marina, we've all got pain. 
Marina: I'll just stop talking, and you too.

 Tiger: Thank god that's all over. Let's continue, shall we? 
Brock: How about no more guests? 
Caren: How about I release my pit-bulls on you? 
Brock: Fine, who's next?

 Tiger: Grape! Hello! 
Grape: This is a lot better than death. 
Caren: Yeah, the Mole too.

 Grape: Hi camera. 
Camera: *shakes*
Grape: Can you say hi to Isabelle over on the Mole? 
Tiger: Raise support for her, by the way. I hear she is of our descent. 
Caren: Watch her be the first boot.
Tiger: You haven't watched? Her tribe was safe first week.

 Caren: Hi Grape. How are you? 
Grape: I'm great, I've missed you. How was your trip? 
Caren: Intriguing and interrupted. Luckily I'll be leaving tomorrow again.

 Tiger: Here comes the next guest....

 Tiger: Known for her strict attitude and her gloomy personality, it's.....
Thalia: The girl who tried to murder us? 
Tiger: Hold on.

 Tiger: Jordan, the girl who tried to murder us all! 
Jordan: Don't remind me.
Tiger: Sorry, but other than that, you don't have much going for you.

 Jordan: *screams*
Tiger: Are you okay?

 Marina: Drama queen. 
Matthew: Says you. 
Marina: Says you, for yelling at me like that.

 Jordan: Sorry, just remembered what today was. 
Tiger: Right, sorry about that. You can go home if you want. 
Jordan: It's fine.

 Tiger: Who's next? 
Thalia: No one. I think they all left-
Tiger: And pigs can fly.

Tiger: Here she is, the first boot of a little show called Sim Star Idol....

 Tiger: Mya Arrington! 
Mya: Heya Tiger! 

 Marina: Did you just come from a 70's party or something? 
Mya: Uh, it's called fashion. I think I look stylish. 
Tiger: She looks adorable, Marina.

 Thalia: Wait, what's happening behind me? 
Mya: Maybe turn around, girl! 
Thalia: But my neck is sore.

 Tiger: As much as dancing is great, it's time for the next guest, and isn't this going to surprise you. 
Mya: Caleb? Nah, I'm kidding, I'm over him. 
Jordan: Mya, come give me a hug. 
Mya: Sure, sweetie.

 Tiger: Here she is....
Sebastian: Wait, who is that? 
Lacey: Did she-?

 Latarsha: Hey Tiger! 
Tiger: Your hair looks stylish. I'm glad you dyed it. 
Caren: Is that Peacock? 
Latarsha: I believe so.

 Tiger: Come in, I'm sure everyone will be glad to see your new look. 
Latarsha: The purple really wasn't working anymore.

 Latarsha: Plus, I have an announcement. I've been signed on to be a judge on a new artistic reality show. I can't remember what it's called, but they hired me! Isn't that great? 
Tiger: With that hair, people will envy you.

 Tiger: Now, this next guest, and the one after, only had a brief moment on screen, but they're back, and married! It's Liam Zamora! 
Marina: Brother!

 Liam: Hey! It's great to be back! Haha. I'm married now. 
Marina: And they call me awkward. 
Liam: I'll talk to you soon, baby sis.

 Latarsha: I felt like greeting someone. 
Liam: Hi, I'm Liam Zamora.
Latarsha: I know, Tiger told me. 
Liam: Oh right.

 Liam: I'm here now.

Mya: Must. Text. Now. Might. Not. Ever. Again. Today. 

 Sebastian: May I sit here? Liam took my spot. 
Thalia: Fine, but do not talk to me. Got it? 
Sebastian: We were- fine.

 Tiger: By now, you know exactly who we're waiting on. 
Lacey: No, I was safe that week. 
Tiger: Yeah, but you attended the after party.
Lacey: So? Why would I talk to strangers? 

 Tiger: It's Marcy Zamora! The wedding ceremony was adorable, by the way. 
Marcy: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have more news though: I'm pregnant! 
Tiger: Yay! Za-MORE babies! 
Marcy: The puns can wait.

 Marcy: As much as you hate the contestants, hold it in. 
Liam: But...but...that Matthew character is so annoying. 
Marcy: I know. So is Sebastian, and Brock, and Thalia. 
Liam: And Lacey.

 Tiger: There's only one last guest, and she's a surprise one. Coming straight from the beachy shores....
Thalia: Finally, I need to pee. 
Caren: You don't need to ask, this isn't kindergarten.

 Tiger: Here she comes, some may recognise her from the first season of a special sort of show...
Brock: What do you mean, special? 
Lacey: I think he means, love. 




Tiger: Lacey was right! Here she is, Miss Phoebe Kouadio! 
Phoebe: As I live and breathe, finally. I've missed the beauty of a camera. 
Tiger: I've missed seeing you. Where've you been hiding? 
Phoebe: Busy getting married and having a baby, I suppose. 

Tiger: *dances*

 Phoebe: *dances*

 Mya: God, is this a musical number? I mean, I was on that one show, but we never did sing.
Grape: I was forced to sing once, and my life was on the line. I nearly died. 
Mya: I'm there with you on that one. 

 Latarsha: Until my moment, I'll say-
Jordan: I LIVED! 
Latarsha: Real nice, just interrupting me with the wrong lyric. 
Jordan: I DID IT ALL!

Phoebe: So, this chair is comfy? I'm kinda alone over here. 
Tiger: Don't worry, you're coming to the tribal council. 
Phoebe: It's because I'm under-dressed, isn't it? 
Tiger: NO! Look at Marina and Grape.

 Tiger: Contestants, theses guests behind me-
Thalia: You look like real housewives. 
Grape: I'm male, and single. More than half of us are single. 

Tiger: As I was saying, these guests will be 'mentoring' you today. Preparing you for the finale. Yes, I know only one of them actually made it to the finale, but let's not dwindle on that. Jordan knows how to hold a hostage situation, Caren has pit bulls now, and Mya has killer fashion sense. I mean, who chose those clothes for her? Grape survived a killer, Latarsha briefly encountered a killer, and Marina, well, she's an actress. She encountered a killing situation, but then again so did Mya. 
Mya: By the way, these clothes were definitely my idea. 
Tiger: Each of you will choose a mentor. Caren, however, isn't an option. 
Caren: I have important things to attend to.

 Tiger: Matthew, you can begin. 
Matthew: I'll take...Marina. 
Marina: Of course you would.

 Tiger: Thalia! 
Thalia: Uh....killer fashion sense is always a plus. Mya Arrington please. 
Mya: This will be a challenge, I suppose.

 Tiger: Next up, our own twin, St-Lacey! 
Lacey: How can you mix up my name now? We've known each other for about...I don't know. I'll take Grape please.
Grape: I'm flattered. I'll be glad to talk to you.

 Tiger: Brock, you're up! 
Brock: I'll take-
Sebastian: Fine, just leave the old guy for last. 
Brock: I'd like to talk to Jordan, please.

 Jordan: A rebellious man for a rebellious gal. Bring your A game, pal. 
Latarsha: Am I stuck with the old guy? 
Tiger: I'm sorry, yes.

 Latarsha: Nothing I can't handle.
Caren: Have fun, I'll see you later. 
Tiger: I don't know if I will, but they will.



 Jordan: You sure know how to make a lady smile. 
Brock: Aren't you married? 
Jordan: I'm not hitting on you, dork. 

 Brock: Do you want to mentor me? 
Jordan: In what, genius? You seem perfect in this whole thing. 
Brock: How do I win, for example? 
Jordan: I was booted second because no one liked me. You think I know how to win? 

 Brock: Why else are you here? 
Jordan: I got bored staying home. I really shouldn't be climbing this though. 
Brock: Right, you're pregnant. I'm okay being alone.

 Jordan: Fine, Rule No. 1, don't give in easily to alliances. If you have to choose to take someone to the finale, think of your safest choice, not just your friends. Same for evictions. If you have bad blood, better take it out before it takes you out. 
Brock: What about the big threats?

 Jordan: That brings me to Rule No. 2, if you're a threat, create someone bigger. If they take their focus off you, you'll have a chance to stab someone from behind. 
Brock: See, you do know what you're talking about.
Jordan: Barely.

 Brock: Thank you, for all this. 
Jordan: No, thank you. I'm glad you chose me. 

 Marina: I expected a knife throwing course or something like that- Matthew! 
Matthew: What?! Oh, because you back-stabbed me, us.

 Matthew: Marina! You just yelled at me! 
Matthew: Oh, sorry. Matthew we barely know each other. 
Matthew: I thought what I had with Jess was real! 
Marina: It was! Now, can we walk over hot coals already?

 Matthew: I'll go first. Got any tips? 
Marina: Don't do it.
Matthew: No, for winning this game! 
Marina: Right, that's why I'm here. I was actually going to go to the mall today, but I guess not. 
 Marina: Okay, I've got one! While you mosey on like a champ, Rule No. 3, don't fall in love. 
Matthew: You made that up to piss me off. 
Marina: It's totally real! Are you saying you love Lacey?

 Matthew: Of course I love Lacey-
Marina: What if I told you she wasn't Lacey?
Matthew: Who is she then, huh?

 Marina: Well, it looks like your girlfriend has been faking her identity, just like Alice, just like I did. 
Matthew: I know, this cast is weird. Cut to the chase. 
Marina: I'm not cast.

 Matthew: Cross that fire, and tell me who she really is, if she isn't Lacey Hiatt. 
Marina: She's definitely a Hiatt. 
Matthew: Please don't tell me she's secretly married. Or worse...has five children. *shudders*

 Marina: No, she's childless, and before she came here, boyfriend-less. Never been kissed, too.
Matthew: Hard to believe, she's stunning.

 Marina: Even with glasses? 
Matthew: I don't know, I've never seen her with them. Tell me who she is!

Marina: Plum! I can't do this! 
Matthew: Don't do this to me, I want to know. 
Marina: No, I meant the fire walk thing! 
Matthew: Who cares about that anymore?!

 Marina: I thought you did. 
Matthew: I just want to know who she really is, if you claim to know all her dark secrets. 
Marina: I only know the one, I didn't stalk her. Did you? 
Matthew: NO! Just...just tell me.

Marina: Okay, fine. Lacey isn't the real Lacey. She's...she's Stella Hiatt. 
Matthew: Her twin sister? Why? Why would she pretend to be her twin? 
Marina: Heaps of people do it. I did it once. I don't even have a twin. 
Matthew: That's why she fumbles when I mention Stella. 

 Marina: Phew. Thank god, I'm so happy that's off my chest.


 Thalia: I really love your hair. 
Mya: Thank you, I love the colour of yours. 
Thalia: I dye it weekly. 

 Mya: Isn't that bad for your hair? 
Thalia: Meh. I can always buy wigs! hehe! 
Mya: Right. Well, I'm glad we don't have to be outside. 
Thalia: Yeah, I'm hungry. 

 Mya: Okay, grab me something too. 
Thalia: I only have this small amount of money I found from Jane. 
Mya: Oh. Wait, free brownie.

 Thalia: Hello, key lime pie please! 
Cafe Man: Ugh, we rarely get customers. I have to bend now. 
Thalia: At least it isn't the other way. You're ugly.

 Cafe Man: I don't like you. I don't like your hair. I don't like your kind. *spits in pie*
Thalia: Oh, thank you. I don't like the fact you remind me of Satan. 
Cafe Man: Take the pie, lady.

 Mya: You had to sit all the way over there, didn't you? 
Thalia: Yeah, I thought you wanted this free brownie? 
Mya: I wasn't that serious. Fine, I'll move. I have to mentor you.

 Thalia: Yay, yummy pie. 
Mya: Didn't that guy spit on it? 
Thalia: The spit never bothered me anyway.

 Mya: Okay, first order of business, you aren't seriously thinking of wearing that to the finale, right? 
Thalia: This or my other cute outfit. 
Mya: Judging by this, it won't be cute. Tomorrow, I'll give you a makeover.

 Thalia: You would? I couldn't. I love this look.
Mya: The world doesn't, sweetie. 
Thalia: How could they? I thought I'm stylish.

 Mya: Look at what I'm wearing. This is style. Listen to Taylor Swift. 
Thalia: That song isn't even about clothing. 
Mya: Not the song Style. Just Taylor Swift in general. 

 Thalia: What has she said to become style queen? 
Mya: Pretty much everything. Now, tomorrow that weird pattern sense stuff goes. 
Thalia: When I watch anime, people will think I'm weird.

 Mya: You're already weird, sweetie. 
 Thalia: Hey! Rude...
Mya: It's true, ask Cafe Man.


 Lacey: I'm glad I chose you. 
Grape: Me too, you know what's up. 
Lacey: You're the only person who made it to the finale.

 Grape: I nearly died, understand that though. 
Lacey: That's horrible, you have more to live for. For example, why are you still single? 
Grape: Same reason you were before this. I haven't found my person.

 Lacey: Jesus, does everyone know by now? 
Grape: Marina told me. 
Lacey: Who told her? 
Grape: Apparently she did her homework.

 Grape: Anyway, I want to ask you something important. Who do you plan on taking with you to the finale? 
Lacey: Probably Sebastian if he survives, as much as it kills me.
Grape: Good idea.

 Grape: Sadly, Thalia would have just the same amount of followers as you would. Between you and me, I don't think many people like the old man.
Lacey: Thalia did, but not anymore. 

 Grape: He's not very friendly. 
Lacey: Ha. 
Grape: What, he is? That would be funny to watch. 

 Lacey: It's not that, he's just old. I guess. That's it. He's just...old. 
Grape: Right. 


 Latarsha: Stop waving that thing around, old guy. 
Sebastian: Just because I'm old, doesn't mean I'm crazy. 
Latarsha: Where'd that come from?

 Sebastian: Crazy people swing their poles.
Latarsha: Is that meant to be sexual? 
Sebastian: You young people, always making things into bed humour.
Latarsha: Is that a thing? Also, I'm not that young. I have children.

 Sebastian: Like you've said a million times. One of them has a skin condition. 
Latarsha: I'll give you a skin condition. It's called a mushed face! 
Sebastian: Never heard of it.

 Latarsha: Just hit your ball, old man. 
Sebastian: I don't play baseball. 
Latarsha: *face palm* I'm out.

 Latarsha: Look at that, you hit a hill. Great work! 
Sebastian: Be nice, for a change. All of you need to. 
Latarsha: Have fun at tribal, oldie.


 Tiger: Welcome to the final tribal council of the season! I'm Tiger, and you're watching High Hopes, and you have been for quite a while now. The three men coming today are facing elimination, and one will say goodbye. Yay!

 Tiger: Here they come now, Brock, Matthew and Sebastian! 
Brock: I'm sad to be here. 
Matthew: Aren't we all? 
Sebastian: It's like I never left.

 Tiger: Welcome, gentlemen. No questions tonight, sorry for the disappointment. 
Matthew: Disappointment? There's none from me, there was earlier. 
Brock: What happened, bro? 
Matthew: I don't want to talk.

Phoebe: Echo! Echo! I'm here. 
Tiger: Great, I hope you enjoyed those stairs.

 Phoebe: I'll be up here, watching the contestants vote. Awkward, right? I'll be tallying up thee votes, and tomorrow, as a surprise, I'll be holding the challenge.
Tiger: You were meant to keep that a secret until tomorrow. 
Phoebe: SURPRISE! Now they all know.

 Brock: ______. If I go down, I'll take you with me...
Phoebe: Interesting...

Sebastian: _____ because I have no good reason, I'm just casting the vote that I hope gives me the best chance of survival.
Phoebe: Can we just send this guy home already? Clearly, he doesn't want to be here. 
Tiger: He'd quit. I don't see any evidence. 

 Matthew: ______ because he's a threat and when we're this close to the end. I think he should go. I can take _____ any day!
Phoebe: Pushy, I like it. I'd say call me, but I'm married. 

 Tiger: Okay, the votes have been cast, tallied, and now, two of you will go. I'm sorry about how this is set out, but I have some bad news. The production crew is only giving me a few more days to finish this, then I'm fired. Don't worry, I have another project lined up, a horror TV show over in the States, so I'll be fine. I can't say anything for this show, however. 
Brock: I'm guttered. 
Matthew: Oh no. What will I do without my sanity?

 Tiger: Sadly, the votes were cast 2-1. As for that one vote, I'll ask someone from the safe two to cast a vote. If that goes to a tie, then the other will vote, and thus, one will leave us. With 2 votes, Matthew, you have been voted out from tribal council.

 Matthew: Bummer. I guess, goodbye. Win this for me, Thalia. I'll see you soon, Mum. Max. 

 Tiger: I'm surprised. You don't want Lacey to win. 
Matthew: Maybe she will, who knows? I just want to see Thalia win. 
Phoebe: Can we grab pizza after this, Tiger?

 Tiger: There he goes, the sixth eliminated contestant. Who will be next? 
Brock: Get it over with. I doubt Matt voted for the old guy. 
Tiger: Maybe he did.

 Tiger: The other vote, yes, did go to you, Brock. However, I've asked Thalia to cast her final vote. 
Sebastian: I might as well start to the car. She loves Brock. 
Tiger: Do you blame her? 
Sebastian: Yes.

 Lacey: Matthew, I just heard! I'm so sad, I wanted to see to the end with you. 
Matthew: Well I'm going. Call me when you're the girl I fell in love with. 
Lacey: What? Oh. Someone told you-
Matthew: Yes. Bye, Stella.

 Tiger: Here she is now, Miss Thalia Derse! 
Thalia: Woo! What am I doing again? 
Tiger: Who do you want to vote out?

 Thalia: Well, Tiger, I've thought long and hard over this, and I'm torn. 
Tiger: That's not really an answer.
Thalia: Fine, if I have to. Sorry, I have to do this. Brock, goodbye. 

 Sebastian: I told you- Wait, what? You're saving me? 
Brock: She is. Thank you for having me, Tiger. 
Tiger: I'm glad you came, Brock.

 Thalia: I'm sorry, Brock.
Brock: It's fine, Thals. I'm a threat. I get it. 
Thalia: You mean it? You'd call me Thals? 
Brock: Let's hang out when this is over.

 Tiger: With that, Brock becomes the seventh contestant voted off. Thank you both for making the time to participate. 
Brock: Let's go, bro, the car is waiting. 
Matthew: Okay, no need to pry my hands. 
Stella: Matt-

Phoebe: I'm so emotional. 

 Phoebe: *cries* Why did the attractive ones go home? Why did they break up? Don't mind me, I'm just really sad. Just really sad. I can't. 
Tiger: Phoebe, you'll be okay. 
Phoebe: I won't. You're leaving too. Everyone's leaving.

 Tiger: That's it then, the episode is ending. It's been a blast today. 
Phoebe: A blast of emotions. I can't stop crying. 
Tiger: You're not crying right now. 
Phoebe: YES I AM. *cries*

Tiger: Our final three. Two episodes left, and then I'll say goodbye. 


I'd like to take this moment to remember everyone who's participated in this reality show. From Smarties, to Jake, to Ninja, to Alleen and Cake, to Haylo and Vul. Thank you for making this happen, even if it was a mess. Thank you to our final three, Bean, Party and Skelda, for making it this far, and thank you to any supporter who read on. 

After this season, I will have another, however it will be different, because in the end, this failed. As usual. Thank you for your time. 

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