Monday, August 3, 2015

High Hopes Episode 9: Second Star to the Fight

Matthew: So I'm the HOH for once. 
Billie: You are? I recall it was me...
Matthew: I recall thinking I would send you home this week. 
Billie: Nice dream. Too bad it won't come true. 
Matthew: It felt pretty real. 

Lacey: I thought we were sticking together? 
Brock: I am. 
Moira: You are what? 
Lacey: Moira, are you okay? You look a little 
Moira: Dear, I always look pale. 

Billie: Who did you save? You never told us. 
Matthew: They never approached me either. 
Moira: What? 

Matthew: I don't know. Look's like this week no one is...apart from me, of course. 
Lacey: Aren't you lucky? 
Billie: Looks like it's time to say goodbye. 
Matthew: Hold on, I thought we wanted Thalia gone. 

Lacey: She can't save herself either. 
Brock: It can be her or Sebastian. Both of them are free targets. 
Moira: Who's to say I won't want to backdoor Billie or Brock?
Matthew: Then you can kiss final four goodbye. 

Thalia: I say it's time to say goodbye to Billie.
Sebastian: This better work. 

Marina: Hey, Tiger, where are we going? 
Tiger: If I told you, I'd have to kill you. 
Marina: You wouldn't. You love me too much. 

Mya: Why did I agree to come with you losers? I have to go home to my child. 
Tiger: You wanted to have fun. Or at least you did three hours ago. 

Marina: Anything to get away from the drama we had last week. 
Tiger: Listen, Jordan was just grieving Yes, she tried to kill, well, most of us, but she is okay now. 
Mya: Good. I don't want to have to visit a mental institute. 

Tiger: I haven't talked to Alex recently? She meant to call when she was free again. Hmm.
Marina: I'm sure she too is fine. She wasn't pregnant, was she? 
Tiger: God no. She just said something about work...

Thalia: Old man, how's life? 
Sebastian: Small talk...How dandy. 
Thalia: Oh look! The moon. 
Sebastian: You're weird, girlie. 

Tiger: Goodbye Sunlit Tides....hello Starlight Shores! 


Tiger: Welcome to Starlight Shores, the star capital of the nation! 
Mya: No wonder I wanted to come! 
Brock: Wow, it's so great to be back! 
Lacey: I wish I could go and visit my sister! 

Tiger: Home to the Verde Park, Starlight Shores is the place to be for all the star studded hopefuls. 
Grape: I'm here, BTW. This is my hometown. 
Tiger: Yeah, we forgot to tell you. The plane did accept another, though. 
Grape: I had to drive alone! 

Tiger: Spanish vistas, beautiful horizons, all things glamorous. No, that is not our vacation home. We're not that rich. 
Moira: Darn it! 
Billie: Suck it, Tony! I'm gonna live it up! 

Tiger: Starlight Shores is famous for it's beaches too. Look at those palm trees. 
Thalia: *mutters inaudible Japanese*
Tiger: You wanna play that game? *mutters inaudible Maltese*
Lacey: Is that even a real language? 
Tiger: Actually, yes. 

Tiger: And finally, the vacation home. 
Matthew: I thought you said it wasn't as fancy? 
Tiger: It isn't. I didn't pay for this. 
Matthew: You just broke in? 
Tiger: No, I was meant to house watch. I completely forgot I had to host you idiots. 
Billie: Hey! I'm no idiot, mister. 

Tiger: This was gonna be the part where I show off the house, but...oh, Grape, you're ready right now. Okay, it's time for the POP competition! 

Grape: Hello all! My name is Grape Wisteria, and today, in this oddly decorated space, I will be hosting the POP. 

Grape: Set around me are various objects, couches, stereos, paintings, and whatever else the producers decided to throw in. 

Grape: Contestants, please gather on the nicely placed seating arrangements. Whoever you end up beside, that is your partner. 

Grape: Therefore, Team 1 is Moira and Lacey, Team 2 is Matthew and Brock and Team 3 is Billie and Sebastian. Happy? More on this soon, but first-

Grape: Welcome contestants to the next POP, and the first competition in this here Starlight Shores! 
Lacey: *claps* Woo! 
Grape: Today's two part challenge is called Build/Puzzle, and will be done as follows. In these teams, you will be given a role, and will use this role to create a certain room. 

Grape: Team 1, you are Team Navy Apocalypse. Moira, the describer, Lacey, the creator. 

Grape: Team 2, you are Team Heliotrope. Matthew, the describer, Brock, the creator. 

Grape: And finally, Team 3, you are Team Amber Light. Sebastian, the describer, Billie, the creator. 

Grape: The first part begins shortly, please take your spots-
Matthew: Whoa. 

Marina: I'm ready for my close up, boys. 
Grape: Marina-

Marina: Marina? My name is Jessica Monroe. Please, call me Jess. 
Grape: Huh? Are you feeling okay? 

Matthew: I'm feeling fine. 
Billie: Yuck. 

Lacey: Please no Matthew. I will-
Thalia: Oh look, now you can see me. 

Jess: I have the largest headache. Hey, maid girl, may I have an aspirin? 
Lacey: Me? I'm not the maid. 
Jess: I meant the girl with the light blue shirt. 
Thalia: Now you don't. 

Matthew: I'm a man. 
Brock: Are you sure? 
Matthew: Well, I do have them down there. 
Billie: Alexander thought so too. 

Sebastian: Purple man, are you alright? 
Grape: Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Time for the challenge, you can talk to 'Jess' later. 

Grape: Lacey, please come back into the furniture room. 

Grape: You too Brock. 

Grape: And finally, you too Billie. The three of you cannot see the final picture, but Moira, Matthew and Sebastian can. They will need to describe it to their partner once only. 

Grape: Everyone else, I've sent the image to your cell phone. Please take a look and write your description on the paper provided. 

Brock: Uh, Billie? What happened to your hair this morning. 
Billie: Some arrogant woman split orange juice all through it. I had to quickly wash and dry it. 
Billie: It looks unique. 

Lacey: I bet you've heard of me. My name is-
Jess: I'm gonna stop you right there. It's a no from me. 
Lacey: Uh, what? 

Jess: I don't like you. You're too happy. 
Lacey: Sorry? 
Jess: Just hurry up and leave. 
Lacey: I wish the old Marina was here. 

Moira: I'll lock this in, thanks. 

Matthew: I'll lock this in, Grape. 

Sebastian: I am done. 

Brock: Oh hey Matt. 

Matthew: Oh....Brock! No. Leave! 

Grape: God almighty. We need to fix that, he saw the picture. 
Brock: I did. 
Grape: Let me call Tiger. 
*dials the phone*
Tiger: Lulu! Jesus Christ! She just got eliminated, Grape. 
Grape: Hi, we have a problem.

*shows new photo to Matthew*
Matthew: Got it. Brock didn't see. 

Brock: Okay. 

Grape: Brock, please come back here. 
Brock: Okay. 

Brock: I'm back! 
Grape: Good. Is everyone ready for the comp? Matt? 

Matt: I'm taken, and yes, I'm ready. 
Grape: I wasn't hitting on you. 
Brock: Why did I walk all the way back here? 

Grape: Are you ready? Part 1 building! 
Brock: Literally walked back here for no reason. 
Billie: Shush.

Lacey: Can you maybe whack 'Jess' over the head? She's rude. 
Billie: And you aren't? 
Brock: Billie, are you okay today? You're really rude. 
Billie: I'm fine, leave me alone. 
Grape: Okay. BEGIN!

Brock: Move it. I need to win this. 
Lacey: Technically, you don't. 
Billie: Shut up! Your voice is so...ugh.

Jess: What the hell are you doing, blocking my view? 
Lacey: Blame Billie, sweetie.

Thalia: This is entertaining. 
Grape: Thank god they hired me this week. Kinda wish I can meet some other people though, like Lulu or Kyle. 
Thalia: I'm sure you'd love to meet Kyle and Alexander. 
Grape: Why Alexander? 
Thalia: Nothing! He he! 

Lacey: Moira! We better be golden! 
Moira: I know you are. That dress.

Billie: Move it, oldie. I need to win to evict Matthew. 
Sebastian: You know you can't this week, right? 
Billie: I plan I will.

Brock: Bye girls! 
Lacey: Don't mind him, tell me everything. 
Moira: Do you think I would mind him? Who am I? You? 
Brock: Ouch.

Brock: Tell me it all. We need to win. 
Matthew: There's......*Matt explains the room*

Lacey: Okay, like this? 

Moira: That'll work. I already kinda forgot the image. 
Lacey: What the hell? I swear you're so distant lately.

Brock: *puff* I got the bed you wanted. *huff*

Sebastian: What the hell are you up to? 
Billie: Art. Art. Art. 
Sebastian: I think you need medical help. 
Billie: You'll thank me later.

Sebastian: Will I? 
Billie: I can see what you're doing and it's disturbing. Please stop.

Lacey: Nearly there. Final things. 
Moira: Yeah, that's surely right. Right?

Matthew: You did really well. I think we're sure to win. 
Brock: I want to be safe. I don't care about anyone else right now. Save me. 
Matthew: Don't try anything on me and it's a deal.

Matthew: I want to save Lacey though...
Brock: No one will send home her. She's so sweet. 

Billie: Done. It's definitely spot on. 
Sebastian: ....
Billie: See? You're speechless. I knew it.

Billie: Goodbye Matthew. 
Sebastian: You can't do that.

Lacey: Don't you think that rug is too bright? 
Moira: Nope. 
Lacey: Are those chairs too dull? 
Moira: Stop worrying. We'll be fine.

Lacey: I doubt it. 
Moira: You doubt everything.

Grape: Okay, time's up! 
All: Drat. 
Grape: First up, Team Navy Apocalypse! 
Thalia: Hi Camera Woman!

Grape: This is...unique.

Grape: You're not spot on with a lot of it, but the overall placing is quite close. 
Moira: See? Fine. 
Lacey: Nope. 

Grape: For your room, I'm scoring you.......5 out of 10. Moving along.

 Grape: Team Heliotrope. You're renovated room, I see. 
Brock and Matthew: Yeah.

 Grape: Is it just me or it chilly? For your room, I'm scoring you a.........8 out of 10!

 Matthew: We have this in the bag. 
Grape: And finally, Team Amber Light!

 Grape: Let's see here. Oh my. 
Sebastian: Is that good? 
Billie: I think so.

 Grape: Is that fountain supposed to be off the floorboards? Technically, I can't count that in your room design. 
Billie: Dammit! It was for art. 
Sebastian: That's art? I'm no art teacher, but I'd give that a D.

 Grape: For your room design, I'll score you a......4 out of 10. Therefore, you are the lowest scorers today. 
Billie: Lies. *she jumps at him*
Grape: Billie! 
Tiger: In the meantime, here's the correct room designs. Above is Team Amber Light.

 Tiger: Above is Team Navy Apocalypse.

 Tiger: And finally, Team Heliotrope.
Grape: Welcome back! Is everyone calm now? 
Thalia: I'm not. Why do I have to sit alone? 
Grape: You won't next week, either way. 
Thalia: Either way? I'm not leaving. 
 Grape: That concludes today's first part. Go home, and you will complete the puzzle and I will then reveal the winner. 
Billie: Yay! It's gonna be me! *happy smiley sound*
Brock: Really, Billie? 
Billie: What? *she death stares at him*

 Jess: I'm outta here. I need to go shopping. 
Lacey: Ooh! Can I come? 
Jess: I didn't extend the invite to low life peasants. 
Lacey: I'm famous! Or at least my twin is. 
Moira: What was that? 
Lacey: Nothing. 


 Tiger: Oh good, Jess, I caught you. 
Jess: What, blue haired man? 
Tiger: Well, I was your best friend. 
Jess: Wow, this Marina person had a weird taste in friends. 
Tiger: Anyway, can I talk?

 Jess: I guess. What do you want? 
Tiger: How did you become this? 
Jess: This? Human? I was born, silly.

 Tiger: No, how did you become 'Jess'. 
Jess: I don't know, I woke up. I just was Jess. The rest of my life is a blur. 
Tiger: Weird.

 Tiger: Anything from this morning? 
Jess: There's one thing. 

*weird dream sequence music plays*

Jess: Who's idea was it to leave me sleeping on the floor? Idiots.

Jess: What the hell am I wearing? *stares in mirror*

 *Marina changes to Jess*
Jess: This dress is perfect.

 Jess: Much better. 
*dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dling*

 Jess: That's all I remember. Please, let me take a bath. 
Tiger: Okay, soon.

 Jess: What else do you want from me? 
Tiger: There's something else I need to ask.

 Tiger: Do you remember Jordan? She tried to kill you. You said you had something to show her? 
Jess: Jordan? You mean my boyfriend? 
Tiger: No, the female. 
Jess: I have no clue who the hell she is.


Grape: Welcome! Cameras, you're too close. Stop embarrassing me. 
Camera Woman Jane: Sorry, it's my first day. *drops glasses* I can't see! 
Grape: Just as well. Anyway! The winner of the POP!

 Grape: After completing both Part 1 and Part 2, I can reveal there is one winner! Is it from this table?
Audience: Woo!

 Grape: Or is it from this table?
Audience: Woo! It's Thalia!
Grape: *dramatic voice* That's...not possible.

Tiger: Are you alright, Jess?
Jess: Stop asking me. I'm fine. Where am I?
Tiger: The High Hopes Vacation Home.
Jess: Can we party? 

 Grape: It's time to reveal the winner of the POP..............It is..............

Grape: Matthew! Well done.
Matthew: Yes! Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Billie.
Billie: Screw you.
Grape: Who do you want to save? You have two slots.

Grape: Matthew?
Matthew: Oh right! I chose to save Thalia and Lacey. 

Lacey: Baby, I knew you would.

Thalia: What? I'm saved!
Grape: This can't be happening. Matthew, Thalia can't be saved.
Thalia: No! I can't be saved!

Matthew: Oops. I guess Sebastian and Lacey then.
Lacey: See? What did I tell you?

Sebastian: Thank heavens, my dear boy.

Grape: Thank you. Therefore, Tiger will be seeing Brock, Billie, Moira and Thalia at tribal. See you tomorrow.

Lacey: Thanks for saving me, babe.
Matthew: No worries, I'm taking you to the end.

Lacey: It's nice they gave you your own room for once. I mean, no other HOH has yet.
Matthew: Which makes me the best of the best.
Lacey: Is that a threat?

Matthew: You're the best of the best, huh?
Lacey: Bet your lucky stars on it.
Matthew: Is that a threat?

Lacey: Come here.
Matthew: This is nice.
*ruffling in the background*
Lacey: Who's there?

*Jane drops the camera*
Jane: Oops, my bad. I'm just clumsy, okay?

Jane: Wait! What did I miss?
Matthew: Nothing.

Lacey: Yeah...nothing.



Thalia: The claw!

Thalia: I'm gonna wreck it!

Thalia: Just keep it steady.

Thalia: Just keep swimming. Got it!

Thalia: I dropped it! Drat. Better go cry in a corner now.


Billie: Congratulations, Sebastian! You deserved it!
Sebastian: Why thank you, Billie.

Billie: Up top, old man!
Sebastian: Might as well give in to your filthy childish gesture.

Billie: Jokes! Ha, you thought I'd high-five you!
Sebastian: That's cruel, child.

Billie: Says who?
Sebastian: I say so, Billie.
Billie: He he.


*Jess takes the cue in her hand*

*Jess takes her shot*
Jess: Gotcha.

Jess: Boys, wanna hit some balls?
Matthew: I'm not into that, but Alexander was.
Jess: Take your head out of the gutter, freak.

*She lines up the shot*
Jess: Nice one.


*The calm sounds of the wind echo in the background*
???: Lacey. Lacey.

Lacey: Huh. Moira, is that you?
???: Lacey. Over here. 

Lacey: Over where?
???: Down here, behind you.
Lacey: Oh!

Lacey: You're a talking giraffe?
Pandora: Hey! My name is Pandora, you know?
Lacey: Uh...hi, Pandora the giraffe.

Pandora: Are you judging me?
Lacey: No, sorry. What did you want from me?

Pandora: Do you remember my friend Gerry? He told you about adding a statue to your room. You failed him, Lacey.
Lacey: Oh right. Moira was looking at me funny.
Pandora: I must leave now. I have more boxes to give.

Lacey: See ya lovely!
*Pandora leaves*
Lacey: Okay bye.


Brock: What are your plans with Lacey, Matt?

Matthew: I don't know, man. I don't know if it's more than a showmance.
Brock: Do you love her, man?

Matthew: I don't know. I mean, man, I like her a lot, but can I ever love her? She's so...different.
Brock: Different? You're both social butterflies.

Matthew: I want to meet her sister.
Brock: She sounds so sweet. Maybe finale night?
Matthew: Maybe.

Moira: How am I gonna tell Lacey?


Grape: Hey Jess.
Jess: Damn, nice abs.
Grape: Uh...thanks?

Jess: You have a nice body. Don't be ashamed.
Grape: I'm not, you never take notice of anyone but your closest friends.
Jess: I do? I'm so sorry.

Sebastian: How are you today, Miss Derse?
Thalia: Miss Derse, huh? I'm splendid!
Sebastian: Do you like my new coat? It's great we can spend a day outside at the beach.

Thalia: It's nice, your coat. I like to be inside though. Watching anime, ya know!

Sebastian: I'm afraid I'm too old to understand this animal nonsense.
Thalia: It's anime. Japanese cartoons.

Sebastian: Interesting.


Jess: Ow. My head hurts, I think I need to lie down.

Jess: Yeah, I need to fall over. Can someone help me down. Or not?
Grape: Jess, are you coming?

*Jess faints. THUD.*
Grape: Jessica! Marina! Whatever! 

Grape: Hey, can you hear me?

Thalia: I swear this show is just for the cohosts. Is she okay?!?

Grape: Is she...dead? She hit her head pretty hard.
Lacey: JESS!

Lacey: Jess? Are you alright? I'm here.
Jess: I don't care if you're here. Grape, help me up.

Jess: I'll be fine, I'll just shake it off.
Grape: Don't start again.
Jess: Start what?
Grape: Oh right, you don't remember. Do you want to go home?
Jess: I'll go alone. Have fun here, don't worry about me.

Grape: Okay, but are you sure?
Jess: I am.
Grape: You promise?
Jess: Yes, Grape. Tiger is home, I'll hang with him. We were best friends, apparently.

Grape: See you soon, Jess.
Jess: Bye Grape.

Lacey: Why does she hate me so much? What did I do?
Sebastian: A lot of things, youngster.


Jess: Honey, I'm home.
Tiger: I'm out the back.

*She pushes the door open*

*Tiger dances awkwardly*

"Jess": God, you're so adorably awkward. I've missed you, though.

"Jess": Do you mind if I join?

"Jess": Tiger?

"Jess": I'll just stand here and wait. It's fine.
Tiger: Oh, hey Marina.
Marina: It's Jess now, remember the deal?

Tiger: How could I forget?
Marina: Your short term memory is pretty horrible.
Tiger: True. I like the new look, btw.

Tiger: I've missed you, Marina.
Marina: Me too. I'm gonna miss Marina.

Tiger: You are a trained actress. People should be begging to cast you.
Marina: I wish.
Tiger: After this, you'll be remembered. 

Mya: Did they forget I was here or something? God. Rude.

Marina: Does this make me the third person to lie about their identity on this show?
Tiger: Fourth.
Marina: How could I forget. Jordan.

Marina: Nice music, shall we dance?
Tiger: Yes, we shall.

Mya: Busted. Marina, you think you could fool me?
Marina: Shit.

Marina: Don't tell anymore.
Mya: Can you pay me?
Marina: I'll give you my bed?
Mya: Deal.


Billie: Out of the way.
*she pushes Grape*
Grape: Stop! Twice this week!

Billie: Make me a triple latte.
Thalia: I'm no barista.
Billie: Make me my god damn drink!

Moira: What's the commotion?
Thalia: Billie's being a twit.
Billie: Am not!

Thalia: I just wanted a glass of water, so I came around here to grab a glass and she starts yelling at me. She kept yelling and yelling, and if you hadn't came in, she would've ran into my knife ten times.

Billie: You're not touching me! You could have some diseases on that knife or your hands.
Moira: Real classy.
Thalia: Yeah, no deal on the drink.

Lacey: Guys, we're leaving!
Billie: Oh no! I never got my drink!
Thalia: Oh shut up.
Brock: Where am I? I haven't seen the camera woman much today.
Jane: *blushes* I like you too, Brock.

Grape: I've always liked the beach. I'm gonna miss it.
Matthew: Why don't you move here?
Grape: *face palm* I do!
Matthew: Oh sorry. I must have blanked out.


Billie: Why am I here?
Brock: Not now Billie.
Billie: We're not speaking right now.
Sebastian: Of course the old man is at the back.
Thalia: I bet the tribal is right now.
Moira: Oh I hope so too! I want to say goodbye to Billie early.

Tiger: Hello contestants. Surprise.
Lacey: Surprise what?
Tiger: Keep listening.

Tiger: It's a double elimination. Who's going home? One of you.

Who will go home? Thalia, Moira, Brock and/or Billie? Two of these four will say goodbye as we head for the final five! 

The question of the week: Who's your favourite evictee so far? Emerson, Alice or Alexander? 

That's all from me, Tiger.  

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