Wednesday, July 1, 2015

High Hopes Episode 7: Evil Plays Fast

Lacey: Hmmm...where's Hemingway, Shakespeare, what the hell is this crap? All there is here are books on geese and bumps. Really upset. 
Tiger: Mhhmmhhmm
Jordan: SHUT UP! 

Moira: Lacey? Why do you care about books? 
Lacey: What? Who goes there? 
Moira: It's Moira. 

Lacey: Oh. 
Moira: What?
Lacey: Nothing.
Moira: Nothing? 
Lacey: Seriously, nothing. 

Moira: Hey, you've been acting strange since, you know, Jordan tried to shoot us all. 
Lacey: And you don't feel sick over the fact we could die? 
Moira: Sure....

Moira: I mean, when she pointed the gun, you looked like you saw a ghost. Is there something you need to tell me? 
Lacey: Uh...
Moira: Anything? 
Lacey: I guess. When I was in high school, there was a school shooting. I was okay, but the teacher was shot, and well, she didn't get any better. She's been paralyzed ever since. Last year, she passed away. I'm scared, okay. 

Moira: I totally understand. Seeing someone shot can do something like that to a person. I haven't experienced something like what you said, but I know it would be a constant reminder in your head. I didn't become a vampire like my father and he hates me for that and I'm scared shitless. What if he just forgets about me and I....die? 
Lacey: Your father wouldn't let you die because you're different to him. 
Moira: I'll invite you over one day, you see how charming he is. 

Lacey: I want to be able to be free for once. I tied down because I'm famous. 
Moira: I want to be famous. Can we trade? You can have my lousy father and I'll have-
Lacey: He can't be that bad. 

Moira: CAN'T BE THAT BAD?????
Lacey: Hey, calm down. I'm here. 
Lacey: Calm down. Yelling will only anger Jordan. She's sensitive. 
Moira: How the hell do you know that? 

Lacey: I have something to tell you...I knew Jordan, well actually, I know her. We met after she was forced to leave Sim Star, and we were friends for some time I guess. Then I met Mya and we were closer. Jordan started to grow to hate me, and well....I thought I'd never see her again. 

Moira: You know the evil woman with the gun! How freaking splendid! 
Lacey: That's the past now. 
Moira: 'Cause apparently the past means nothing to you? 

Lacey: I knew her...and I know this isn't her. 


Jordan: Stay down, girlie.
Mya: Yeah, thanks. Who knew you were such a great friend?
Jordan: Oh shut up. 

Mya: Jordan, just let me go. 
Jordan: Uh, why? 
Mya: Because I don't want to be tied to a piano!

Jordan: Oh, dearie. You were so pathetic. You still are. 
Mya: No thanks to you.

Jordan: Mya Arrington, sweet doll. You know me well. You know I wouldn't do something random. 
Mya: Well that's refreshing. 
Jordan: Oh boo hoo. Go cry to your famous husband. 
Mya: You know I have a child, right? 
Jordan: Yeah, yeah. 

Mya: HELP!
Jordan: No one will hear you. No one will come to rescue you. 

Jordan: I fired all the other workers, minus two camera men. 
Tiger: You can't do that. 
Jordan: Oh shut up. 

Jordan: The challenge will begin shortly, but I have something else to do first. 
Mya: Let me go? 
Jordan: Nope. 

Jordan: What the hell are these? 
Caren: Celebratory balloons. You bought them.
Jordan: I did no such thing. 
*she shoots the balloons*

Jordan: Much better. 
Mya: Not really. 
Jordan: Can you be quiet already? 
Mya: Sorry, Miss Bossy. 

Jordan: Ignoring your comment, everyone hurry up and meet in the ballroom. Whose idea was this building? 
Tiger: I like it. 
Jordan: It was expensive. 
Mya: Like that outfit you're wearing? 

Lacey: What the hell was that? 
Moira: Jesus, not again. 
Lacey: Should we hide? 
Moira: I'm outta here. 


Moira: Isn't this so exciting? 
Thalia: I know right! 
*Moira facepalms*
Sebastian: All this standing begins to work on the legs. 
Jordan: Shut up, all of you. 

Jordan: Welcome to the Instant HOH, idiot hookers. 
Lacey: Woo! 
Jordan: Today's challenge is called Secrets and Lies. You'll have to figure out which is the lie and which are the truths, as well as the author of the lie. 

Mya: Why can't I participate? 
Jordan: Why would you want to? 
Mya: Please. 
Jordan: No. 

Lacey: Hello Mya.
Mya: OMG! Lacey! Hey gurl!
Jordan: Oh, Lacey is here. Happy days. 
Lacey: Jordan, please stop all of this. 

Alexander: Can we just get this stupid competition on with? 
Brock: I agree, I'm missing out on a hot dog for this. 
Thalia: Did you know my grandfather was once an animator for anime cartoons? 
All: We. Don't. Care. 

Billie: I'm gonna win this today. 
Matthew: I wouldn't count on it. 
Billie: You wanna go. 
Matthew: I will kill you. 
Billie: I will end you. 
Matthew: I will throw you out a window. 

Moira: How's your day, alliance partner? 
Sebastian: Yeah, that's over. 
Moira: You serious old man? 
Sebastian: Yep. As you young ones say. 

*two room are built miraculously*
Jordan: Let's begin. Bill, make your way to the room to your right. 
Billie: My name is Billie. B-I-L-L-I-E.
Jordan: Just go. 
Billie: Fine.....cranky. 

Tiger: So, Billie enters the room and beginning to write her secrets and lies...
Jordan: Shut up, this isn't your show anymore! 
Billie: Uh, I really love jam. 

Jordan: Matthew enters to write his. 
Matthew: Well, I have had a serious relationship. I'll write that. 

Jordan: Ugh...Lacey enters to write hers. 
Lacey: Thanks. Well, Moira caught me in that secret. I like to read. 

Jordan: Moira walks into the room next for her notes. 
Moira: I really like chickens. 

Jordan: It's time for Brock to enter the side room. 
Brock: I should theme mine. Hey, I've had so many part time jobs, let's go from there. 

Jordan: Three more to go. Sebastian, please hurry up. You're such a slow poke. 
Sebastian: Not today, sweet cheeks. Yuck, someone left prune juice in here. 

Jordan: Two left, suckers. Thalia, you're up. 
Thalia: But I want to be down...
Jordan: No.
Thalia: Fine, At least let me bite your nose off. It'll be my second time, honest. 

Jordan: Last one left. Hurry up Alexander, we have more tasks to do!
Alexander: I can't run right now, okay. I'm fragile.
Jordan: And my name is Lola. 
Thalia: Really? Same! 
Alexander: That blue carpet over there reminds me of my stuffed bear. 

Jordan: Part 2. Guess the lies and the owner. Matthew!
Matthew: Sir yes sir! 
Jordan: No Sargent! Get a move along!  
Matthew: Okay, well that's totally Emerson. 

*he leaves the room*
Matthew: Mya? 
Mya: Uh, yeah, Can you help me out? 
Matthew: Oh, sure. 

Mya: Thank you, damn you're attractive. 

Matthew: You too...we should date. 
Mya: I'm married.
Matthew: He doesn't have to know.
Mya: He will though, we're being filmed. 

Mya: Thanks again, Matt.
Matthew: Any time, Mya. 
Mya: See ya around. 

Billie: Hm, Matthew doesn't have dentures, does he? I doubt Brock bit off someone's nose. 
Jordan: Hey! 
Billie: What? I'm nearly finished. 
Jordan: Not you, Bill. 

Jordan: What tomfoolery is this? 
Thalia: Bang bang into the room! 
Jordan: You wanna go?

Thalia: Bang bang all over you! Ohhhhh. 
Jordan: Can you not? 
Thalia: I might have let you hold a ball of wool but I can show you how to gain weight.
Alexander: That's not the actual words, right? 

Jordan: I'm gonna have to get involved, aren't' I? 
Thalia: Boys fall over! Somethings don't phase! 
Alexander: Are you educated? That's both a complete different song and the wrong lyrics. 
Thalia: They're buzzing around me own thighs! 
Jordan: Okay, that's enough. 

Jordan: Can you just shut up little pink girl? 
Thalia: All around the world, hitty curls. 
Alexander: Is hitty a thing now? 

Mya: Keep arguing, this is perfect. 
Thalia: Dear No Fun! You suck at writing love songs! 
Alexander: Pretty sure you added quite a lot of words there. 
Thalia: Tongue love even if we're old! 

Mya: Now! Go, go, go, to the kitchen. 

Mya: I made it. 
Jordan: I swear I will be evil to you! 
Thalia: When the limes are ripe, you'll be feared. 
Mya: Thank you, Thalia. 

Lacey: I suppose I just go then? Well, Alex doesn't seem like the kind of guy to work at a garage, and I don't think Billie likes the colour yellow. 

Thalia: I believe I'm a wood person. 
Jordan: What? 
Thalia: Like the nuns invading my home. 
Jordan: White trash. 

Thalia: What did you say to me, skank. 
Thalia: I'm a trucker for sappy endings. 
Alexander: Is that a company? 

Moira: This room is trashy. I doubt Billie played sports. Lacey wouldn't love her sister that much, would she? They're not that close. 

Jordan: I will destroy all of your happiness, if it is the last thing I do!
Tiger: Nice. 
Jordan: You too, host. 
Tiger: Thanks for the credit, though. 
Thalia: And your nose your nose, it could be beautiful. 

Brock: Uh, Sebastian doesn't have dentures, right? 
Jordan: Don't ask me freak. 
Brock: Emerson said to me once he loves all the films he was in. That's a lie. 

Sebastian: I could see that liar getting in trouble for hats, I mean, she wouldn't even suit them. Lacey has a personal life, that's for sure, dear. 
Jordan: I'm not your 'dear'. 
Thalia: I am.

Alexander: That, that, that, that, maybe not that though.
Jordan: Secretive, eh?
Alexander: You will be when I snap your jaw off. 

Thalia: Surely fake Alice has played kawii games! 
Jordan: Kawii games? 
Thalia: Kawii! Games! Teach them to pile! 
Jordan: Okay then, that's the last one of you crazy heads. 

Jordan: The competition is complete, no thanks to your lazy asses. 
All: Hey! 
Jordan: I can now reveal the winner is......

Thalia: The. Winner. Is. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
Jordan: Nope. Yet again you fail to shut that trap of yours. Hold on. 

Jordan: Where the hell is Mya? 
Matthew: Who? I didn't know we were missing someone? 
Jordan: You.

Mya: Oh hey. Can you come down here? Jordan's a mess. 
???: Okay, I'll be over as soon as I can. 

Mya: You better hurry, she's turning crazy. 
???: Uh, I'll try. 

Mya: God, why are you always so slow? 
???: I'm sorry I can't magically teleport like some of you. 
Mya: Me too. Now I have to run. 

Jordan: Since the brat escaped, I have to take matters into my own hands...again. 
All: What does it mean? 
Jordan: Oh, you'll know. 

Jordan: Prepare to die, Matty. 
All: What? No!!!!!

Lacey: And just like that I'm finally clean. Threatened at gun point once more made me somewhat resilient. 
Moira: I should hold a gun to someone's face more often. Thanks Lace. 
Lacey: No bullets though? 
Moira: Eh? 

Jordan: Just kidding. Can these three people step forward, you're smart. Kidding. I could have gotten these scores. Matty, Lacey, and Alexy, step forward.
All: 'Cause rhyming.  

Billie: Dammit! Matthew beat me.
Matthew: Told you I would bring you down. 
Alexander: Yippee! 
Thalia: You mean hippie, right? 
Alexander: No. 

Jordan: Well, apparently I actually have to crown a winner now. Ugh, this is so frustrating. The winner is..........
All: Again? 
Jordan: The winner is.........

Jordan: Lacey. Yay. 
Lacey: OH MY HEAVENS! I won something! Hooray! 
Jordan: Yeah yeah. Now can you tell me who's safe and who isn't. Gosh. 
Lacey: Wait. 

*she sneezes continuously* 
Jordan: Seriously? 
Matthew: Still mad I lost. 

Jordan: I'll be back, just make the stupid choice. Now, where'd that tiny nymph go. 

Mya: Huh? Who's coming? 

Jordan: Mya!! Come out! Where ever you are? 
Mya: Mya? Who's that? Shit, that was stupid. 

Jordan: I will kill you. I have a weapon. 
Mya: You and your boyfriend both. I've seen his. Damn, it's long. 

*she continues to sneeze*

Lacey: Finally, god that hurt. Where'd Jordan go? I guess I'll just say that Sebastian, Thalia and Matthew are safe. I was supposed to do that? Oh cool. 

Thalia: Girl yes! Thank you thank you thank you thank you. 
Lacey: No...problem...I guess. 
Thalia: Let's hit some Moms. 
Lacey: Are you American or Japanese? Why am I even asking, you just said you want to hit someone. 

Sebastian: Young chappie, thank you from my heart. It's nice to be safe for once. 
Lacey: You're welcome, old chap. 

Matthew: I knew she still loved me. 
Lacey: Maybe some other time, Matt? 
Matt: Deal. 

Lacey: As for the rest of you, you'll be facing eviction. This isn't personal, you're just major threats. Even you Moira.
Moira: Lies. 

Billie: Well this is fun. 
Brock: Yeah, I love sitting here. 
Alexander: Well I'm not leaving. Bye Billie.
Billie: Me? Nah. 

Matt: Hey, Lacey. 
Lacey: Shhh. 
Matt: Okay? 
Lacey: Shhh. 

Tiger: So, who will be leaving us? Alexander-
Alexander: Nope.
Tiger: I wasn't finished. Moira-
Alexander: Nope. 

Tiger: Again, not finished. Brock-
Alexander: Nope. 

Tiger: Again, not finished. Give it a break. Or Billie-
Alexander: Yep. 
Tiger: You don't know anything. 
Alexander: More than you, I bet. 
Tiger: You wanna try me? Capital of Argentina, and pronounce it right. 
Alexander: Isn't that the Bruno Air one? 
Tiger: Bruno Air? Is that Bruno Mars' private jet service? 


Jordan: I'm certain you want to give up now. 
Mya: You can't be certain of anything.
Jordan: Fine...I'm positive you want to give up right now. 

Jordan: I hated you the day I met you. 
Mya: That's a lie, I mean we bonded over sleeping. 
Jordan: You mean you and Ivy bonded over sleeping? 
Mya: Nope. 

Mya: You cheated your way through that first week!
Jordan: I cheated? You just got beat. 
Mya: Like you did the next week. Ashton wasn't much help, was he?
Jordan: I love him! He wasn't a joke! 
Mya: Says the girl with a fake relative. How is Uncle...was it Jeff?

Jordan: Get off my back, Mya! 
Mya: I thought Percy had your back, but that was just one challenge, wasn't it hunnypoo? 
Jordan: You didn't even have any friends! No one there actually liked you! They only liked you when you were around me, to make sure not to crush that cute little heart of yours. 
Mya: My cute little heart, huh? 'Cause your heart really helped you make it far. 

Jordan: I was voted out because of you! You made me feel weak, and I hate that! I hate you, Mya. 
Mya: You hate me? Ha, that's funny. Last time I heard I should be angry at you. 
Jordan: Angry at me? Yeah, I'm such a hot-headed lunatic! Too bad-oh wait, I do have one. 
*she reaches for the gun*

Marina: Should we? 
Tiger: Jordan won't shoot Mya. My human self created those two, they weren't meant to die just yet.
Marina: It's strange to think we were created by some one looking down on us. 
Tiger: Or straight into my eyes. 

Caren: Oh hey guys, what am I missing? 
Tiger: The best fight ever.
Mya: Jordan, I hope your uncle is dead.  
Marina: It's true. 

Mya: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It just came out, I promise. 
Jordan: Leave me alone, before I do something I'll regret. 


Lacey: I'm enjoying spending more time with you, Matt. 
Matt: Me too, I'm sorry I backed away when we kissed. 
Lacey: That's the past. 

Lacey: Oh god, I'm back in these waters again. I wonder what Lacey thinks of him? I don't care, he's attractive and he's attracted sister. How am I ever gonna tell me he's really only in love with a charade? I'm not actually Lacey, and he's in love with her looks, her personality, her style. He's in love with Lacey, not Stella. This isn't who I am. Lace, help me out. I'm in a rut, and when Matt finds out I'm a liar, I'll lose him for good. 

Lacey: Do you like the makeshift diary room? The contestant set it up while those girls were fighting. I have no idea where we found these wood palings and these tree lamp things, but I'm stoked. Toodles! 

Lacey: Looking devilishly handsome today, Matt. 
Matthew: Why thank you. You look beautiful. 
Lacey: Have you styled your hair different today? 

Matthew: No...I wish I would have for you. 

Lacey: You really do smell strawberries. 
Matthew: More like that's what you smell like, darling. 

Lacey: This is nice. 
Matthew: Yeah, it is. 

Alexander: *pukes* Um, no it isn't. 
Matthew: Don't mind him, he has a crush on me.
Lacey: Oh, I know. I tried to hook you two up, but I failed. How did you know?
Matthew: He tried to sleep with me! 
Lacey: Like just slip into your bed, right? 
Matthew: Yeah....totally. 

Matthew: That's the past, as you said. 
Lacey: Yeah, let's live for the future. Something my sister Stella always says to me.
Matthew: I can't wait to meet her. 

Alexander: *pukes again* Gross, they kiss like pigs. 
Billie: I kinda like it but hate it at the same time. 

Jordan: Uh, this isn't Home and Away. Get a room. 
Matthew: Another time? 
Lacey: Yeah baby. *winks*

Mya: You won't get away with this! 
Jordan: Oh but I will. You see, I can win. I can win with you. 
Mya: Kill me now. 

Thalia: Wizard? 
Sebastian: Nope.
Thalia: But you promised! 
Sebastian: You're lying to yourself right there.
Thalia: Never have I ever lied. 
Sebastian: More lies. 


Billie: This is the life. I don't even have to worry about the eviction now. 
Brock: But you could be going?
Billie: Alexander is lying. He'll be going home. 
Brock: It could be me. 

Billie: Don't fret it. You'll be fine. 
Brock: So, literally, it's either Moira or Alex to you? 
Billie: No one will vote for Moira. 

Brock: You don't know that. 
Billie: Yeah, I do. 
Brock: You don't have proof. 
Billie: Yeah, I do. 

Brock: Anyway, how are you?
Billie: Fine, I guess. 
Brock: Really?
Billie: Uh huh.
Brock: That's not what Matt and Moira said. 

Billie: And what did those two say about me? 
Brock: They said you mourning. 
Billie: Okay, fine. You got me. Today is the anniversary of my ex's death. 
Brock: Tony died? 
Billie: Another ex. 

Brock: Oh. How did he...die? 
Billie: It was a car accident. He was driving up to my parent's house in the mountains, and he spun out of control. They found his body in a tree. I cried so hard, and I found Tony's shoulder comfortable. 

Brock: I'm so sorry. 
Billie: I really loved him, you know. He was the best I could have asked for. 

Brock: No wonder nothing happened with Tony. 
Billie: Don't joke on a day like this. 

Brock: I'm sorry, I hope you mourn in peace. 
Billie: Again! I'm getting out. 

Billie: This is what Tony missed though. These muscles. 
Brock: Wait-what was your ex's, the one who died, name? 
Billie: Toby. Bye. 

Brock: Oh hey, Alex. 
Alexander: Do you mind if I join? 
Brock: Not at all. 

Brock: Well, this is awkward. 
Alex: It doesn't have to be. 
Brock: What do ya mean? 

Alexander: Oh, you know.....
Brock: Not really, no. 
Alexander: Nothing? 

Brock: Nah, nothing. 
Alexander: Maybe...let me try this. 
*he reaches his hand over as Brock moves backwards*

Brock: What the hell man!? You hit me. 
Alexander: I did not mean for that to happen. 

Brock: Of course not. 

Alexander: Hey, let me have a look. I took a first aid course once. 
Brock: Yeah sure. I'm not trusting you. 
Alexander: I don't use this word lightly. Please. 

Brock: Why did you hit me? 
Alex: I didn't mean to, I swear. I was, well...
Brock: What? 

Alexander: I was trying to....make a move, ya know. 
Brock: Oh.
Alexander: Yeah. 

Brock: On me? I thought you tried to sleep with Matthew? 
Alexander: Well, uh....that was a mistake...
Brock: Like hitting me, as well as hitting on me? 

Alex: For one, if you didn't begin to lean back I wouldn't have hit you-
Brock: You still would have hit on me. 
Alexander: I wanted to see which side you batted for. 
Brock: I hope you got your answer. It's both.
Alex: Okay, I'll just be going- wait what? Both?
Brock: I think that's what I said. 

Alexander: Now this is awkward. 
Brock: Yeah...
Alexander: It doesn't have to be. 

*they kiss*

Billie: Huh? What a show. I'm proud of them.
Tony: It's legal in the US now, you know? 
Billie: Tony, what the hell? Why did they keep you? 
Tony: Oh, they didn't keep me. I live here now. I'm renting the place.
Billie: Oh god. 

Brock: That happened. 
Alexander: Yeah. 
Brock: Keep it a secret, okay? 
Alexander: Of course, I thought so. 

Tony: It's such a cute relationship, isn't it?
Billie: Well, at least you support the LGBT community. 
Tony: Who said anything of the sort? 
Billie: Well, you ship two men-
Tony: I'm kidding, gee. 
Billie: Seriously, on a day like this! 


Jordan: Listen up, idiots. One of you sitting on those dirty beanbags I found in the tip down the road will be going home. 
Billie: I thought they were naturally brown. 
Brock: Same. Did you dumpster dive for these? 
Jordan: No. 

Jordan: When I call your name, you'll walk up to this spot and announce who your vote is for. Everyone is voting, and that is final. First up...

Marina and Mya: 'Cause baby now we've got bad blood...
Jordan: Shut up! 
Marina and Mya: You know we used to have mad love....
Jordan: I said shut up! 
Marina and Mya: So take a look at what you've done....

Caren: Should we? 
Tiger: Nah, I like that song. I'm fine. 
Caren: I meant run and call the police. 
Tiger: Oh, yeah, sure. 

Jordan: Lacey will only vote in a place of a tie, blah blah blah. 
Lacey: Thanks for the blah's at the end, really made my day. 
Jordan: Do you know what'll make mine? If you shut up! 

Jordan: Let's get this stupid eviction started! Bill! 
Billie: Whatever. 

Billie: I vote to evict Moira
Brock: And you said no one would vote for her. 
Billie: Shut up! 

Brock: I vote to evict Alexander.

Alexander: I vote to evict Billie. 

Moira: I vote to evict Alexander. 

Thalia: I vote to evict Alexander.

Sebastian: I vote to evict Brock. 

Matthew: I vote to evict Billie. 

Jordan: Well, well, well. It looks like we have an evictee. With a vote of 3-2-1-1, Alexander, it's time to say your farewells. 

Alexander: What are ya going do if I don't, lovey? Kill me. You don't have the guts. 
Jordan: My gun is loaded, Mr Pike. Don't come any closer.
Alexander: Oh dearie, you can't kill me. Darling, you're weak. 
Jordan: I will end-
???: STOP! 
Jordan: What? 

Jasper: Jordan, enough. Give this up. 
Jordan: What? Who are you? 
Jasper: You know who I am, Jordan. It's me, Jasper. Listen to me. 

Jordan: Jasper....
Jasper: Yeah. Jordan, this isn't you. 
Jordan: It is now, okay. Don't you see, this is who I've been meaning to become! 
Jasper: No, you're lying to yourself. I know you. Mya knows you. Lacey knows you, hell the whole world knows you. 

Mya: Mission Jasper Turns Jordan is a go. 
Jordan: What? This was you? 
Mya: Nope. 

Jasper: I know what this is about...
Jordan: You don't know me. 
Jasper: I've been your friend since we were teenagers, I know you better than Mya does. 
Jordan: Mya didn't know me at all. 

Jasper: But I do. I know this is about your uncle. He passed away, didn't he? 
Jordan: What uncle? I have none. 
Jasper: You don't anymore, but you have me. I know I'm not family, but you and I have a bond far stronger than you had with any of your family. 

Jordan: did you know?
Jasper: I just did. I saw how you were on TV, and I knew something was up. Mya called, and I came as soon as I could. I'm here for you, and so is she. 
Jordan: I know, I'm struggling with keeping relationships. 

Jasper: You kept me all these years, you've still got Ash. You have more friends around you than you realise. 

Jasper: Mya's good to you. She just wants to make up for those days she yelled at you and blamed you for everything. It's time you forgive and forget. 
Jordan: Can I though? 
Jasper: Yeah, you can. It's simple. 

Jordan: Thanks for pulling me out, I wouldn't have actually shot anyone. I was bluffing. 
Jasper: That's what they all say, now can we leave? 
Jordan: One last thing. 

Jordan: Thanks to you, Jasper, I officially denounce my position of dictator of High Hopes. Tiger, you have the reigns again. Do good. 
Tiger: Thank you, Jordan. I'll see you later. 
Jasper: Well done, Jordie. 
Jordan: I still have that gun....
Jasper: I get it, never again. 

Tiger:  Evil-Jordan is leaving the building. 
Lacey: Somehow, I'll miss her. 
Mya: Me too. She was inspiring.

Tiger: Jordan is back. Goodbye. 
Caren: This was sweet. I'm considering leaving for a holiday. 
Marina: Caren! No! 

Jasper: It's time to go home, I want to see my boyfriend again. 
Jordan: I want to see my fiance again. This baby has some weird effects on my emotions. 
Jasper: I can't wait to meet that cute little bundle of joy.
Jordan: Who said it'll be cute? 
*the crowd laughs*

Tiger: God it feels better to be able to control this show again. Well, with that, Alexander Pike becomes the third contestant evicted from the house. He joins Emerson and Alice, and becomes the first jury member. 
Alexander: At least I made the jury. 
Tiger: At least you're not trapped, Jordan should be unlocking the doors as we speak. 
Moira: How did we survive in here without food? 
Lacey: You didn't know? There was food. 

Caren: I'll be off in the morning. 
Tiger: You don't have to leave. Stay till the finale. 
Caren: It's okay, I'll be back. I want to have a break from the television. 
Tiger: I get it. Your spot is always open. 
Caren: No, fill it with someone else. Let someone else be in the spotlight. 

Join us next time when we jump right back into the hot seat and the contestants compete in the next HOH competition. Who will win, and who will be saved? 

This is me, Tiger, signing off with free hands. And to all you Americans, happy late 4th of July. Be free. 

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