Saturday, June 6, 2015

High Hopes Episode 5: Take A Hint

Tiger: Welcome back to High Hopes! Today, we say goodbye to Marina in a challenge of catching her killer. Think Clue meets Big Brother. Well, I've asked someone to come along and help out. Jordan? 
Creepy pedophile ice-cream van, say what? 

Jordan: Hey! I'm so grateful to be here. After Sim Star Idol, Ash and I got married and all that, and well, I have some pretty big news....I'm pregnant! We weren't really going in for it, but you know, life happens. I found out only days before coming here, so don't mind me. 
Tiger: I'm happy for you, but can we talk about the elephant in the room. 

Jordan: Nearly said 'huh where', but no, I mean about Marina. She was so young. Just look at that complexion. 
Tiger: I called the graveyard this morning. Turns out she bought a grave early. Lucky. 

Jordan: I wish I had a gravestone. Being voted out second sucked, but what's better is Ash did win, so we have money, but it's money to spend on us and his family, not a silly gravestone. 
Tiger: Say hello to him and Mya for me. 

Jordan: Don't even get me started on that whore. I mean, we started out close, but the way she took that knife and dove right into my skin, that hurt. I did talk to her after the competition, but she changed. She's too different for me to ever consider befriending her. I am however glad she moved on from that grey guy. He's cute, but not hot. Not like Ash. 

Tiger: You two seem happy, and I'm glad about it. I remember watching you first interact, and that's when I knew, you belonged together. I shipped it, we all shipped it. Even the hosts shipped it. 
Jordan: I highly doubt that. 

Tiger: Should we get along with the challenge? For Marina.
Jordan: Okay, let's get on with it. The house tour, Tony? 
Em, the Camera Woman: Tony quit. I'll show you all around. 

Em: Here's the patio area. Nice barbecue area, sadly no use will be available. Cute little lily glowing light thing. 

Em: A couple of loungers and a decadent rose climber. Moving into the spa...

Em: One spa bath and a hot coals bench for a nice relaxing time...take that! 
Jordan: Can you calm the hell down? It isn't your job to criticize the living conditions. 
Em: This isn't even your job! They just asked you here!
*Jordan goes silent*

Tiger: We lost both of them, so Camera Man Freddie will be leading it around and I'll do all the talking. Here's the very simplistic lounge room, the least friendly room of the house. 

Tiger: Here's the library, very antique meets secret retreat. No hidden doors however,

Tiger: Marina's bedroom, aka the guest bedroom, Somehow this is the only bedroom in the house yet it's still the guest bedroom. So is this just a guest house? Or are there more bedrooms up stairs? Why am I asking myself these questions? 

Tiger: My favourite room, the theater. I'd like to relax back, have a massage and get to the finale of this show. That would be the dream. Oh and just watch The Great Gatsby one more time. 

Tiger: Here's the kitchen. Simple colours and the use of the moveobjects cheat to create that corner. I sorta just love this house, maybe I should make this the new main house. Two seats for a simple coffee in the cold morning. 

Tiger: The lovely dark dining room, reminiscent of the library. Hold on-
Jordan: I'm back, Em won't be. 
Tiger: I'm not even going to bother asking. 
Jordan: Let me continue. 

Jordan: Here we have the observatory. Dark, open and mysterious. Maybe some hidden aliens? Who knows. 

Jordan: And finally, the ballroom. The largest room in the house. A second hand white baby grand sitting up on a red carpeted platform, complete with adequate seating arrangements and a spacious dance floor. 
Tiger: Tale as old as time, small to say the least. Both a little scared, neither one prepared. 
Jordan: Beauty and the- shut up!
Tiger: Soul-crusher. Let's start. 

Jordan: Thank you all for changing into your new clothes. Miss White, Mrs Peacock, Miss Saffron-Peach.

Jordan: Miss Lavender, Miss Scarlet, Mr Green...

Jordan: Colonel Mustard, Mr Black and finally, Professor Plum. 

*Jordan tickles the keys*
Jordan: Beauty and the beast...

Jordan: Hello house guests and welcome to...Gimme a Clue! 
All: Woo! Gimme a clue! 
Jordan: Not yet you won't. 

Jordan: But now, get onto it! Go, run! Run! Hurry up, don't let the old grandpa win. 
Sebastian: Hey! 

*Sebastian stands up and runs*

Jordan: Well, he's off. 
Sebastian: Must. Beat. The. Others. 

Lacey: You guys know any clues? 
Alexander: Uh, the game only just began. 
Billie: Liar. Liar. 
Alexander: What? 

Sebastian: Must. Beat. The. Young. Children. 

Sebastian: Spa. Miss White. Garden gloves. 

Jordan: Sorry, none correct. Continue on. 

Moira: Hey, Lavender. Are you up for a challenge? 
Billie: Moira, I doubt you'll even compete. 
Alexander: Ladies, please. 
Lacey: Move, move, I have somewhere to be. 

Lacey: Nope, nope. Not this door. 

Lacey: First guess time. 

Lacey: Library. Scarlet and Rat Poison. 
Jordan: Sorry Lacey, try again. Glad you voted on yourself for the kill.

Matthew: This has to be it. Has to be. 

Matthew: Kitchen. Scarlet. Bat. 
Jordan: Nice try, pal. See you soon. 

Lacey: As much as I suck at these games, I'm determined to win. 
Jordan: That's what they all say.
Lacey: Okay then. 

Lacey: Plum. Patio. Axe. 
Jordan: Congratulations, Lacey. You have one correct. 
Lacey: Woo! Yeah! 

Matthew: What?! Lacey already got one, Jesus Christ! I'm coming! 

Matthew: Hey Lacey. 
Lacey: Oh, it's you. Hurry up and be evicted already. 

Lacey: Okay, getting a bit too close there. 
Matthew: What was that? You want me to kiss you. 
Lacey: Uh, no. 

Matthew: Oh hey Sebastian! 
Sebastian: Oh, it's you. 
Matthew: Oh, why thank you Colonel. Matthew, Spa, Pistol. 
Jordan: Oh you too! None right. 

Matthew: Bye Lacey. See you later. 
Lacey: Again with the up close and personal nonsense. 

Matthew: Next guess: Library, Peacock. Axe. 
Jordan: God this is boring, none correct. 

Billie: My turn. Observatory, Peach-Saffron and the pistol. 
Jordan: Let me check. 

Billie: Hello? Anyone home? 
Jordan: One moment please. 

Jordan: There we go. One correct. 

Billie: You're not gonna tell me which one? 
Jordan: Sorry no. 
Billie: Do you want this to go on forever? 
Jordan: Pretty much. 

Lacey: Time to win this thing!

Lacey: This correct? I guess not. Okay. 

Billie: Da da da da da. Let me guess Guest Bedroom, Plum and the Pistol. 

Jordan: Well done, you got one correct. Keep trying Billie! 

Lacey: God this is tough! Uh, Spa, Plum and the rope. 

Lacey: Did this room just change to green? 
Jordan: Uh huh, it's called magic. One correct. 

Matthew: Okay, here we go. Green, Theater and the dumbbell. 
Tiger: Greg Mendell, I mean nothing. What? 
Jordan: Calm down. 

TV Show: Open your eyes, look up to the sky and see.....
Matthew: Huh, one right. 

Billie: I think I have it! 

Billie: Okay, let's try Observatory, Plum and...the candlestick from the hall.

Jordan: Two correct! Well done. 
Billie: OMG YES! Take that Tony! 

Matthew: Nice chairsBrock, dining hall, poison. 

Matthew: At least now I know the weapon. 
Tiger: What was that? 
Matthew: Oh nothing. 

Brock: Hello, Jordan was it? 
Jordan: Er, you don't have to call. 

Brock: Meh, I'll go with Kitchen, White and the Knife. 
Diane White: Typical. Blame me for your problems. 
Tiger: Oh hey Diane, aren't you meant to be dying on a boat? 
Diane: On a boat yes, not dying. 
Brock: Uh, are there any correct? 

Jordan: Sadly, no. Keep going guys, no one has it yet. 

Billie: So I'm only in here now, right? No the candlestick, not the knife for the carrots, not the rope. Uh, what's left. 

Matthew: The whole house is so beautiful and then there's the lounge room. It's hideous. 
Jordan: Well thank you so much Mr Black. Love the compliments. 
Matthew: You're welcome. I better not die yet. 

Matthew: Lavender, Lounge room and the dumbbell!
Jordan: One correct. Move along. 

*Brock enters the theater*
Jordan: Uh, are you okay Brock? 
Brock: Perfect. 

Jordan: I kinda want an answer from you. 
Brock: Okay, fine. Black, Theater, Dumbbell. 
Jordan: Congratulations you just won the POP! 

Brock: Really? OMG YES!
Jordan: Joking. Obviously. You only got one correct. 
Brock: Bully. 

Jordan: Nice to see you moving Alice. 
Alice: Where did the little white rabbit go? 
Jordan: Up yours. 

Alice: Thank you so much. I'll guess: Mustard, Kitchen and the lovely knifey knife. Chop chop chop. 
Jordan: Absence sure makes the heart grow insaner. Go back to reading books. 
Alice: Rude. 

Billie: Okay, I think I have it. Ah! How did you know I summoned you? 
Jordan: I have mind powers once every 10 years. Maybe I shouldn't have wasted it on you. 

Alexander: Well done, you caught me. Do I really have to say this? 
Jordan: Just read the script! 
Alexander: Fine. 

Billie: So I won? 
Jordan: Meet me in the ballroom. 

Jordan: Well, we have a winner. This game may have been long and tiring, but here we are. Tune in next time for the tribal council. 
Tiger: Hold on, we're not finished here. 

Jordan: Sorry, Mr. Procrastination. 
Billie: Um, what?
Tiger: Nothing! Crown the winner.  

Jordan: Billie McGhee, I now pronounce-
Billie: Cameras, look at me now. Damn. 
Jordan: Whatta? 
Tiger: Is that how you spell it? Anyone get it? 

Jordan: Since you did that, I now pronounce you voted off!
Billie: Whatta? 
Jordan: Just kidding. We can't do that, not in this season anyway. I now pronounce you the winner of the second POP competition, Gimme a Clue. 

Billie: Second win this week! Imma win next week too! 
Jordan: Not the HoH. You can't. 
Billie: Dang nabbit!  

Jordan: Hey! You two!
Lacey and Matthew: Who? Me? Ugh. 
Jordan: Yes, you two hate-birds. Who wants the immunity? 
Matthew and Lacey: I do! I do! Eww.

Jordan: I'll get back to you two. Anyway, the three of you all did not compete in this challenge and therefore will compete for your week. In order to not be definitely up for tribal eviction, answer me this: Out of the 4th season episodes of OUAT, which one is Tiger's human-self's favourite? 

Jordan: Back to you two lovelies. Answer me this: Tiger's simself asks, how many views does the normal blog have? 
Lacey: 2, 346
Matthew: 694
Jordan: Congratulations....

Jordan: Matthew, you are now safe for the rest of the week! I'm sorry Lacey, but Tiger will be seeing you at tribal. 
Lacey: Dammit Janet. 
Jordan: It's Jordan.
Lacey: Oh, I know.

Jordan: Now, Billie, who do you choose to save using the POP?
Billie: I'll save....Moira. 

Jordan: Moira, you are safe this week...
Moira: Thank you my Billie. 
Jordan: But you still need to answer the question to stay safe-ish next week. 

Jordan: Answers please!
Moira: Uh, Family Business? 
Jordan: Anyone else? Okay. 
Alexander's creator and Thalia's creator chose not to compete in this part. 

Jordan: I suppose I should let Moira be safe. Family Business, he says, is one of his more liked, but not favourite. Try Lily or the finale. 
Moira: Oh. I'm safe though. 

Jordan: The two of you right now aren't, however, now is your chance. Tiger's simself is writing a TV show, how many episodes has he wrote the plot descriptions for at the time of this challenge?
Alexander: Uh, 6. 
Thalia: What about 4? 
Jordan: Well, while Tiger's human-self is confused with all the low numbers, the correct answer is 11. In the current day time out of this worldly place, it's 22 plus 5 in the next season. Bingo. 

Jordan: Therefore, Thalia, I'm afraid you are automatically nominated for voting off next week. Unless you get evicted this week, which will mean you can give it to someone else or more likely Alexander. Hold up, where's Alice? 

Alice: Oh hey. Looks like I found the kitchen again. 
Jordan: Didn't I tell you don't rush anything? 
Alice: Well, didn't you flash your green eyes at me. 
Jordan: Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? 
Tiger: It's all fun and games till somebody loses their mind. 

Jordan: Anyway, the four of you are safe. Oh look, isn't this rather stupid. The two people who were safe in the original HOH win are safe again. Might as well revert back to Week 1 with the pairs. 
Ps. If you read this, comment on the forums 'Banana' and if so, let me know if alliances are really happening. 

Jordan: The rest of you, Tiger'll see you at court...I mean tribal council.

Lacey: Hey, Jordan, you look like you've seen a ghost? 
Jordan: I have. 
*everyone turns to the hallway*
All: What the hell? 

Marina: Hey ya'll! Did you really think Marina Zamora would die? Weak, all of you. Hey Jordan. 

Jordan: I can't take this. This is cruel, how dare you lie to me?
Marina: Hey! It was just a silly prank for this reality show. It won't happen again, not to you anyway.
Jordan: Still leaving.

Tiger: My bad. I have a weird sense of humor. 
All: We noticed. 

Jordan: Last time I agree to be on TV. After that wreck of a show Sim Star Idol and now this. You all are so dramatic. 
Tiger: Says you. I'm sorry.

Marina: Maybe we should have called Alex instead. Or not pretended I was dead. Or let her in on the joke. 
Tiger: Maybe I shouldn't have done what's next. 
Marina: What? 
Jordan: TIGER!!!!!!!
Tiger: That. 

Jordan: Aqua Blue hair dye! Did you listen to a word I said. 
Tiger: Definitely, but I planned this before hand with Tony and Caren.
Jordan: Those two are still here, I mean alive. 

Tiger: Well, yeah. They broke up, though, if that helps. Tony was caught-
Jordan: I don't need their life story. 
Tiger: Sorry. Oh hey, I called Mya yesterday and-
Jordan: Oh boy, she'd here isn't she? 
Tiger: Actually no, not yet. Anyway, she had a baby girl! 
Jordan: Ugh. 

Billie: What are we watching? 
Brock: American Horror Story: Asylum.
Billie: Cool. Oh god, these chairs are heaven. 

Matthew: Agree with you on that sister. 
Moira: Hey! Shut it back there, we're getting to the part when __________. 
Billie: The part when what? 
Moira: Can't say, spoilers for the audience. 

*Things happen on screen that make the audience fall silent*
Matthew: Nothing...that scene was brutal!

Brock: So, Moira, were safe now. The four of us. 

Moira: Can you shut up? My favourite character's on screen. 
Brock: Well I'm sorry we saved you. 

Billie: I can't look...this makes me feel sick.
Moira: Me too, and it's hard to make me sick.
Brock: *yawns* When's the action? The stunts? 

Moira: This is horror, not action. The only stunts here are the gore and the violence. 
Matthew: Gore and violence huh. Where's the beef? 
Moira: And I called you my partner in crime.

Brock: So, tell me more about this 'gore and violence' thing? 
Billie: Brock, just watch. Hey, look, the cheese burger is about to be destroyed by the butler.
Brock: And you tell me to watch. There isn't even a butler or a maid this season, only nuns and insane people. 
Billie: You're a nun. 

Moira: So you don't know what horror is? Well, maybe if you just watched you'd understand a lot better. See, right now _____ is _____ because ______. Got it? 
Brock: I guess. 
Matthew: Hurry up and understand the fact that two women are slapping the sense out of a talking tree! 
Brock: What are you watching? 

Moira: I think what he means to say is that _____ is _____ because____ but_____, so_____ is ______. I think that explains it well. 
Brock: Okay, I'll keep watching. 
Watch American Horror Story: Asylum to find out what they were saying! 

*Marina begins to play the piano*
Marina: You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys
You don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys

Marina: And don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to say
And please when I go out with you
Don't put me on display, 'cause

Marina: You don't own me, don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me, don't tie me down 'cause I'll never stay
*crying is heard from behind*

Lacey: Reminds me so much of L-home. I just can't with this anymore, it's so beautiful. 
Literally her reaction straight away.

Marina: I'm young, and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way that I want
To say and do whatever I please

Thalia: Lacey, are you alright? 
Lacey: Splendid. I just really really miss her. 

Thalia: Who? Your sister? 
Lacey: Yes, Lacey. 
Thalia: You mean, Stella, right? 
Lacey: Uh huh. I miss Stella so much. 

Alice: Why aren't they playing my song?
Alexander: I didn't know you wrote songs. 
Alice: I don't, but my bestie Taylor Swift wrote one for me.
Alexander: Oh, that song.
Alice:  Oh, you've heard it! Don't you just love it! 
Alexander: Not the adjective I'd used, but oh well. We're all going home anyway. 

Sebastian: They're all so ageist, putting the old man on the tribal line each week...
Tiger: Don't you start again. 
Sebastian: What?

Find out next time who leaves us and who will be with us next week for another week of chaos and revenge and hatred and deceit. Here, I'll leave you with a question: 

Why do they call someone a 'mole' if they lie and deceit their way to victory? 

Tune in next time, this is Tiger, signing off. 

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