Friday, November 20, 2015

High Hopes Episode 13, Finale: One Short Day (Part 1)

Hello, and welcome back to High Hopes. Today, we will see the first part of the finale. However, I have something to say. This episode and the next, at the current stage, will be purely written. Therefore, some of the dialogue will be scrapped and we will be focusing further on recapping the season. Previous contestants and current contestants will have the opportunity to film scenes for this episode. 

Moving forward, I'd like to say that I still have enjoyed this season, as crazy as it seemed. Thank you to all the contestants who participated or are still in the competition, I'm grateful that I was able to gather a full cast of 10. Please, enjoy the previous episodes, and hopefully you'll be able to enjoy this episode even without the pictures. As I explained on the thread and to the contestants via email, I can no longer work around filming with my extremely lagging game, so hopefully this won't be too much of a disappointment. 

Please, sit back and enjoy these last few moments as we say goodbye to High Hopes as the brilliant cast of contestants who made this all possible. Hold your applause to the end. 


 High Hopes: The Finale. 

Tiger: Hello, my name is Tiger, and welcome back. The time is now, ladies and gentlemen, for the final three to become two, and then one. The sole winner. Only one person will walk away with the prize of.....surviving life. The others, well, goodbye.

I'm kidding. They'll be fine. They'll live, maybe not Sebastian. He's a bit on the death side.

Sebastian: Hey! I'm not old.

Thalia: Have you looked in the mirror lately? You're kowaii.

Lacey: You two, calm the hell down.

Sebastian: I'll call my lawyers.

Lacey: Oh please, do you know who I am? I'm Lacey freaking Hiatt. I'm practically Obama.

Thalia: Really? Interesting....

Tiger: Anyway, as I was saying, one of you will leave tonight with some money we found left behind from the set of some show called 'Head Ache.' It was cancelled before the first episode aired, something about losing a few contestants on their flights. Who knows where the crew and contestants for that show are right now. Maybe watching this, thinking back to the days they screwed up. Now, we have prize money, so the proceeds will be given to the winner. Who will it be? Who knows.

Thalia: I know. Me.

Sebastian: You may not be right.

Lacey: Bickering won't help. I say we skip to the challenge. Who's with me?

Thalia: I'm ready to whip this old man into shape.

Tiger: That will come in dear time, but I have something else to do. In order to wrap this season up, let's recap what's happened. Starting from week 1, when I introduced ten new contestants into the Paradise Hut.....

Lacey: Here we go....

 Tiger: Please take a seat
Billie: Oh hey! It's Tiger and the amazing Caren Gaskins! Hell yes.

Tiger: Matthew Booker! Take a seat. 
Matthew: Hey there, what's up? 
 Tiger: And with that, we introduced the first five into the house. Matthew, Brock, Moira, Emerson and Billie. Unluckily, none made it to the final three. Onto the next five, here we go.

Tiger: Well, here we have it. The first five contestants. Any favourites yet, Caren? 
Tiger: Let's meet....Thalia Derse! Nice panda hat. Take a seat. 
Thalia: OMG! Wow, that's so generous Tiger. 

Tiger: And we saw the first of many fights begin with Alice and Thalia.....

Alice: If you piss me off one more time-
Thalia: Kawii, kawii, kawii.
Alice: Ugh.
Tiger: After the many introductions, our contestants began to settle into their new home....

Brock: Hell no! I forbid to use these putrid shower toilet hybrids. 
Tiger: Like most reality shows, we saw the many competitions throughout the season, including some of my favourites, like the Clue challenge, the Popularity contest and the one involving building a room based on a description....
 Marina: And with only two reds, most agree Sebastian would complete university with no drop out. Hey, Alice, what's wrong? 
Alice: Emerson was my friend, and he did graduate. Don't judge a book by it's cover, you guys. 

Marina: You know what, Alexander, you'll be getting the boot in a minute. We don't tolerate you kind of people. I wish you'd just leave, seriously. 
Moira: Hey, Lavender. Are you up for a challenge? 
Billie: Moira, I doubt you'll even compete. 
Alexander: Ladies, please. 
Lacey: Move, move, I have somewhere to be.

Matthew: You did really well. I think we're sure to win. 
Brock: I want to be safe. I don't care about anyone else right now. Save me. 
Matthew: Don't try anything on me and it's a deal. 
Tiger: Which leads me to our next point of interest, alliances. A crucial part of any reality show, an alliance may help or hinder your position in the game, and therefore may determine how far you reach in the game.

Billie: Hopefully we can manage to save ourselves, at least we have one vote to save if we both end up scared. 
Brock: Yeah, and I'm sure we can prove to be a more helpful team later down the track.
Tiger: And with alliances, comes showmances. Romances that can sometimes end with a bang, these situations are for the budding couple who attempt to run the game as a couple.

Matthew: Lace, how are you today? 
Lacey: Shh. I want to sleep. 
Matthew: Okay baby. 
Tiger: This season, we've seen the contestants face drama, physical and mental challenges, and watched them cross the country from an island to Sunlit Tides, to Starlight Shores. Secrets have been exposed, and alliances broken, but in all, we've seen our contestants dwindle down each week, gruesome double evictions sending some home, others missing the chance to sit in the jury.  
  Alice: I vote to evict ____ because she refused to come to my tea party. 
Tiger: I thought we went over this, that never happened!
Alice: You never happened! 
Tiger: Shut up Alice!
Tiger: As I was saying, it's time to go.............................
*the world is silent*.................Jordan! Oh, wait, that was Sim Star Idol and yesterday. It's time to go.......Alice!

Brock: Slowed that codeword for Thalia? 
Moira: Yeah, where is she?
Tiger: I don't know, crying somewhere? You guys know you she hasn't ever been safe, right?  
Billie: Oh. She must be slow then.
Tiger: You guys just must be selfish wanting to hog the safety spotlight. 
Brock: Don't get technical. 
Tiger: Moira, who's it gonna be? 
Moira: I'd like to vote twice for _____. I think, out of all of us, he/she's the biggest threat.
Tiger: You really hate ____, huh? 
Moira: I wouldn't say hate....hold on! 
Tiger: As we said goodbye each and every week, we didn't forget the jokes and scenes that made us burst into laughter. One of the most common running gags of this season began with a simple phone call....
Brock: Meh, I'll go with Kitchen, White and the Knife. 
Diane White: Typical. Blame me for your problems. 
Tiger: Oh hey Diane, aren't you meant to be dying on a boat? 
Diane: On a boat yes, not dying.
Tiger: Early on, we had a small connection with Jetset, which you can catch airing soon on the air, which features a contestant named Diane White. Throughout the season, she shares conversations with many contestants, mostly Brock. 
Brock: Hello? 
Diane: Hello young sapling. You, young man, gave away my chance to win! You made me miss my shot, little brat! 
???: You don't recognise my voice?
 Thalia: Nope!
Diane: It's me, darling, Diane White. 
Thalia: That woman who Brock was yelling at? Woo hoo!
Diane: I don't appreciate that foul language, young woman!  
 Tiger: While we enjoyed the presence of Diane, however, many moments intrigued us with their hilarious presence. A scene from Episode 4 is claimed as the funniest scene of the show, and it goes like this....
Alexander: Okay, ideas for the week. I'm going with evicting Alice, we all saw how she was in the HoH comp. 
Thalia: Plus, she's restricted from competing in the HoH this week. 

Alice: Hey! Guys! Can I talk with you all? 
Alexander: Shit, shit, shit. 
Matthew: Shush. Lock the door.

*Billie locks the door*
Billie: No-one's-
Matthew: Shut up.

Alice: Hey! I know you're in there. Let me in guys, this isn't nice. Uh, hello? Anyone. 
Alexander: Hey! Alice, come downstairs!
Thalia: Nice one.

*Billie tries to open the door*
Billie: Guys, the door's stuck. 
Alexander: You're a girl, you don't push hard enough. 
Billie: I'll give you 'push hard enough'

Matthew: Hey, let me try. 
Billie: Oh, cause if I can't do it, a guy must be able to. 
Matthew: I didn't mean it like that.

Alice: I'm gonna go to bed soon. I'm getting kinda bored with this room. Not enough mushrooms. 
Alexander: Alice! Help! Call the ambulance! The firefighters! 
*she hums to herself* 
Alice: Was that Brock? Hmm.

Matthew: The mind of these people. Guess we're stuck here for the night. 
Tiger: While there's laughs, sometimes the contestants are faced with drama. This season, we've been filled with secrets, and with secrets, hidden identities. 
Alice: Not that tea party! I had another one and you didn't show! You think you're better than me!
Lacey: What the hell? I miss one tea party and you're angry at me? Are you kidding right now? 
Lacey: I've had enough of this! You're a lying piece of fake hair and fake clothes! Alice Lowe isn't your real name, and I have proof. Months before I came here, I had my lawyers look into the contestants I'd be living with. I saw your name and light bulbs flickered. 
Alice: You cheated! You little cheating brat! 

Lacey: You're a liar, Katherine! You have a husband, a child! Becoming someone else won't win you the grand prize. 
Katherine 'Alice': And you think I'm lying! Why do you keep stuttering on your own name, Lacey! L-Stella, what kind of name is that? 
Lacey: My sister's name is Stella! 
Katherine 'Alice': And my mother is a cat! 
Lacey: Can't do that sweeties! Do you want your head? 
Katherine 'Alice': You're not the queen of hearts! She's dead! 
Lacey: Oh is she now? Glad to know you watched television! See you in court. 
Tiger: But without a doubt, this season was a season of change. Change caused the outcome to differ, and as we all watched from the sidelines, with very little interference, we saw the change in the contestants and we saw them change each and every day, for better or for worse...
  Lacey: Ahh! What the- Thalia, you scared the sense out of me.
Thalia: You had sense?
Lacey: I'm just going to ignore that and have a drink. 
 Thalia: I don't care anymore, you called me Alice and I will not stand for it!
Lacey: Thalia, calm down.
 Jane: Listen to your pals, Thalia. You don't want to be force evicted, my daddy owns this show.
Matthew: Ha, that's a laugh. 
Tiger: One change, however, wasn't as friendly as we would have hoped. In Episode 7, titled Evil Plays Fast, we saw the rise and fall of Jordan Valle, as a criminal villain no one will forget. This leads onto our small section to remember the co-hosts who spiced up our season.
Jordan: Mya Arrington, sweet doll. You know me well. You know I wouldn't do something random. 
Mya: Well that's refreshing. 
Jordan: Oh boo hoo. Go cry to your famous husband. 
Mya: You know I have a child, right? 
Jordan: Yeah, yeah.
Jordan: I will destroy all of your happiness, if it is the last thing I do!
Tiger: Nice. 
Jordan: You too, host. 
Tiger: Thanks for the credit, though. 
Thalia: And your nose your nose, it could be beautiful. 
Jordan: Where the hell is Mya? 
Matthew: Who? I didn't know we were missing someone? 
Jordan: You.
Tiger: And after she threatened Matthew's life, we still continued the challenge and the winner was decided....
*she sneezes continuously* 
Jordan: Seriously? 
Matthew: Still mad I lost. 
Tiger: The co-hosts were both unique and screen-hogging, however that may have been my fault. Moving on, we come to the next segment of tonight's episode: that genius musical number! In Episode 8, we saw the remaining contestants sing it out in a 13-part musical number, a record breaking amount for any reality show. 

*the piano changes tune*
Thalia: I'll finally see a summer breeze, blow away a winter storm. 
Sebastian: And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm. 
Thalia: And I can't wait to see, what my buddies all think of me. 
Everyone: Dah dah, da doo, uh bah bah bah bah bah woo. 
Sebastian: The hot and the cold are both so intense.
Thalia: Put 'em together, it just makes sense! 
 Brock: Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago. I was in your sights, you got me alone. You found me, you found me, you found me. I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that. And when I fell hard, you took your bag and left. Without me, without me, without me. 
 Billie, Jordan and Mya: 'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in. 
Billie: So shame on me now.
Jordan: Flew me to places I'd never been. 
Mya: 'Til you eliminated me, oh. 
 Moira: Doctor doctor, need you back home, baby. Doctor doctor, where ya at? Give me something. I need your love, I need your loving. You got the medicine that keeps me coming. 
Mr Roboto: Turn me on, turn me on, turn me, turn me on. No seriously, turn me on. The switch is at the back. 
Matthew: Okay
*hits switch*
Mr Roboto: You're wondering who I am-
Sebastian: No, actually. 
Grape: I'm yelling 'TIMBER'. You better move. Come on! 
Caren: You better dance. 
Grape: Let's make a song, you won't remember. I'll be the one, you won't forget. 
Grape: Look up into the sky
Caren: It's a bird, it's a plane.

Grape: We about to clown. Why? 'Cause it's about to go down. 
Caren: *whispers* I'm outta here. 
Grape: Caren, wait. 
 Caren: But the film is a saddening bore, for she's lived it, and been eliminated on the Mole before. She could spit in the eyes of fools, as they ask her to focus on. Killers fighting in the set hall. Oh man! Look at those Mole bugs go. It’s the most popular show! Take a look at Nova, beating up the wrong Grape. Oh man! Wonder if he’ll ever be okay. He’s in the all-stars now. Is there life after death?
Thalia: I'm dancing on my own. 
Brock: I make the moves up as I go. 
Billie: And that's what they don't know.
Lacey: Mmmm mmm. 
Billie: That's what they don't know. 
Lacey: Mmmm mmm. 
Grape: I shake it off. 
Tiger: And with that, we were reintroduced to Grape Wisteria and enjoyed the presence of a 13-song long music number sung by the cast themselves. What's next on our agenda? Right. Diary room entries, or DREs, are an essential part in this game, and while we had very few this season, let's review some of the times the contestants decided to drop in for a chat...

Moira: Hey dad, hope you're watching at home. I'm still having a hard time believing that I'm actually on TV right now! This is gonna be awesome! *whispers* And it's gonna be even better when all the show drama starts up! Hehe!

Tiger: And we're back! Hey, Emerson, the camera's over here. 
Emerson: Oh sorry. Hey man. 

Emerson: I chose to save Lacey. She seems sweet, she means well and I thought she would be a good asset in the future. She's cute and all, but I'm dating my stalker. Now that's what I call talent. She saw my new house before I even bought it!
 Alice: Okay. I'm not a huge on video games as I never really played them when I was young. However, one day, I spot two playing some "Mario" game and I heard somebody state "Grab the Mushroom." I immediately ran over there and I asked "What mushroom?" They then point to the screen and I saw a Red thingy in which grew the player. I always heard of Mario but I never play those games so I didn't how they incorrectly used those mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms can make you grow larger but that looks like a "mushroom". Whoever created these "Mario" games, I need to talk to that person.
Tiger:  So, throughout the whole season, we've seen diary room entries, music numbers, alliances, challenges, hidden identities and funny gags, but now we're coming to the end of the line, and the final three are sitting in front of me. Lacey, Thalia and Sebastian, one of you will be the winner. The jury, tomorrow, will decide on who will be winning. Now, I know you've all competed in a challenge today, which consisted on a short quiz and a puzzle challenge, but that no longer matters. Sorry, but it turns out that the results weren't working for me, so it's going to be a final three, however, two of you will be earning a 1-point extra to cast against your name, That could make or break if you win or not. 
Thalia: What? Are you kidding, I couldn't send Sebastian home early? 
Sebastian: I do recall a time where you begged me to turn you into a wizard.
Thalia:  Hey! You don't get to say anything! 
Lacey: I'll just take both those points while these two are busy. 
Tiger:  Sadly, that won't be happening. I can now reveal that the two of you who will be earning the extra points and therefore placed highest on the challenges are.....Sebastian and Lacey! Congratulations to the two of you! 
Thalia: Oh, I lost. Well, I'm sure the world loves me. I have some great friends on the jury, so these two won't win. 
 Tiger: Thank you all for participating, and I will see you next time at the finale where we will announce our winner! See you next time, I'm Tiger. Signing out.